本文选题:蒙古学生 + 汉语语音 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:汉语和蒙语分属于不同的语系,前者属于汉藏语系,后者属于阿尔泰语系。两者在音节的总体结构上有一定的相似性,但在音素的具体形态和发音方法、发音部位方面却存在较大的差别,特别是汉语的声调是蒙语中所没有的,因此蒙古学生在学习过程中面临着一定的困难。 本文在相关研究的基础上,将汉语的声母、韵母与蒙语的辅音、汉蒙声、韵母进行对比,试图找出蒙古学生在汉语语音学习中的重点和难点,并通过问卷调查的形式,了解蒙古学生对汉语语音学习的态度和汉语语音教学在蒙古的现状,从而提出相应的语音教学原则和方法,最后进行了适合初级阶段蒙古学生的汉语语音教学设计举例,以期为对蒙古学生的汉语语音教学提供一定的参考。 全文共分四章,具体内容概括如下: 第一章简单介绍本论文的选题背景与意义,并概述本论文的研究内容、研究方法、研究难点及重点。通过回顾整理前人在对外汉语语音教学特别是对蒙古学生语音教学方面的文献资料,总结其研究成果和不足,提出本论文的研究思路。 第二章将汉蒙语音进行详细对比,首先是在汉语的声母和蒙语的辅音方面,通过对比找出汉蒙辅音的相近之处以及汉语里有而蒙语里没有的辅音,从而得出蒙古学生在学习汉语的声母方面的难点。其次是将汉语韵母和蒙语元音进行对比,找出它们的相似点及区别,总结蒙古学生在汉语的韵母学习中遇到的难点与重点。 第三章在对蒙古学生汉语语音学习状况进行调查的基础上,发现教学过程中存在的问题,并提出针对蒙古学生的汉语语音教学原则和方法。 第四章针对初级阶段蒙古学生汉语声母教学设计举例、韵母教学设计举例,汉语第三声教学设计举例与展示了汉语声母、韵母的教学过程及多种练习形式。
[Abstract]:Chinese and Mongolian belong to different language families, the former belongs to the Chinese-Tibetan language family, the latter belongs to the Altai language family. There are some similarities in the overall structure of syllables between the two, but there are great differences in the specific form of phoneme, pronunciation method and pronunciation position, especially in the tone of Chinese, which is not found in Mongolian. Therefore, Mongolian students are faced with some difficulties in the process of learning. On the basis of relevant research, this paper compares Chinese consonants, vowels with Mongolian consonants, Chinese Mongolian sounds, vowels and vowels in order to find out the key points and difficulties of Mongolian students in the study of Chinese pronunciation. To understand the attitude of Mongolian students towards Chinese phonetic learning and the present situation of Chinese phonetic teaching in Mongolia, and to put forward the corresponding principles and methods of phonetic teaching. Finally, an example of the design of Chinese phonetic teaching suitable for Mongolian students at the primary stage is given. In order to provide a certain reference for Mongolian students in the teaching of Chinese pronunciation. The full text is divided into four chapters, the specific content is summarized as follows: The first chapter briefly introduces the background and significance of this thesis, and summarizes the research content, research methods, research difficulties and key points. By reviewing the literature on the teaching of Chinese phonetics as a foreign language, especially for Mongolian students, this paper summarizes its research achievements and shortcomings, and puts forward the research ideas of this paper. The second chapter makes a detailed comparison of Chinese and Mongolian pronunciation, first of all, in the Chinese consonant and Mongolian consonant, through the comparison to find out the similarities of the Chinese consonant and the Mongolian language does not have the consonant. Thus, the difficulties of Mongolian students in learning Chinese consonant are obtained. Secondly, it compares Chinese vowels with Mongolian vowels, finds out their similarities and differences, and summarizes the difficulties and emphases encountered by Mongolian students in the study of Chinese vowels. On the basis of the investigation of Mongolian students' Chinese phonetic learning, the third chapter finds out the problems in the teaching process, and puts forward the principles and methods of Chinese phonetic teaching for Mongolian students. The fourth chapter gives examples of Chinese consonant teaching design for Mongolian students in primary stage, vowel teaching design example, Chinese third sound teaching design example and shows the teaching process of Chinese consonant, vowel and many kinds of practice forms.
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