本文选题:《规范汉字表》 + 异体字整理 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《规范汉字表》是国家为贯彻《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》、适应国家信息化和当代语言生活的需要而研制的规范字表。异体字整理工作作为《规范汉字表》研制的重要组成部分,随着《规范汉字表》的研制完成亦取得了新的阶段性成果;然而,该项工作对原有异体字整理工作的继承与创新尚无系统总结。 本论文立足于《规范汉字表》(暂据征求意见稿)的异体字整理工作,按照时间顺序,将该表的异体字整理与《第一批异体字整理表》及其后各个时期异体字规范的研制、发布及调整情况进行比较,包括《第一批异体字整理表》、《第二批异体字整理表》(初稿)、《异体字整理表》(修订稿)、《第二次异体字整理表》(征求意见稿)、《简化字总表》及《现代汉语通用字表》对异体字组的调整、《语言文字规范手册》对异体字组的调整、国家有关文件批示对异体字组的调整等。通过对相关字表的定量分析与相关调整的客观描述,从异体字整理的原则、方法、范围等方面梳理各阶段异体字整理工作的具体情况和经验教训,总结《规范汉字表》异体字整理工作对以往异体字整理工作的继承与创新,以期为今后的汉字规范工作提供参考。 本论文主体内容包括四部分: 第一部分:引言。本部分简要介绍异体字定义、异体字整理研究情况综述、本课题的研究内容及研究方法等。 第二部分:《规范汉字表》前的异体字整理工作。本部分按照时间顺序,采用定量定性分析、历时比较、客观描写、归纳总结等方法,对《第一批异体字整理表》及其后研制的各异体字整理字表、异体字规范进行了梳理。其中定量分析又采用将《第一批异体字整理表》(810组,1055小组)、《第二批异体字整理表》(初稿;598组,766小组)、《异体字整理表》(修订稿;1263组,1943小组)、《第二次异体字整理表》(征求意见稿;1033组,1371小组)等各字表中的选用字与其字组中各个异体字分别归组定序的方法,依据《汉语大字典》(第二版)所列音项、义项对全部5135个字组进行穷尽性测查,对异体字的不同类型进行定性归类并以图表形式统计数据,描写出各字表异体字整理工作的实际情况。然后依照时间顺序对相关字表、规范的异体字整理工作进行比较分析,归纳总结;再根据各字表、规范的定量定性分析,总结阐释《第一批异体字整理表》发布以来的历时过程中,异体字整理工作所遵循的原则、使用的方法、涉及的范围。 第三部分:《规范汉字表》的异体字整理工作。本部分对《规范汉字表》字形调整所涉及的异体字进行了客观描写与定性分析,总结了其在异体字整理原则、方法、范围上的继承与创新情况及其对汉字规范工作的启示。 第四部分:结语。对全文进行总结,并指出研究工作的不足。
[Abstract]:The standardized Chinese character Table is a standard word table developed by the State for carrying out the National General language and character Law of the people's Republic of China and meeting the needs of national informatization and contemporary language life. As an important part of the development of the standardized Chinese character Table, the sorting of variant characters has also achieved new achievements with the completion of the Research and Development of the standardized Chinese character Table. There is no systematic summary of the inheritance and innovation of the original collation of variant characters in this work. This paper is based on the work of sorting out the variant characters of the "Standard Chinese character Table" (temporary draft for solicitation of comments). According to the time order, the paper arranges the variant characters of the table with the development of the "first batch of Heterotypic sorting Table" and the heterotypic standard of each period thereafter. Compare the publication and adjustment, Including the first batch of heteromorphic collation table, the second batch of heterotypic collation table (preliminary draft, < heterotypic collation table) (revised draft, second variant collation table) (for comments, simplified characters summary table and modern Chinese general character list) The adjustment to the variant character group, the adjustment to the variant character group in the Manual of language and character Specification, The relevant documents of the state instruct the adjustment of the heterotypic group, etc. Through the quantitative analysis and the objective description of the related adjustment, this paper combs the concrete situation and experience of the different stages of the collation from the aspects of the principle, method, scope and so on. This paper summarizes the inheritance and innovation of the collation of variant characters in the past in order to provide a reference for the standardization of Chinese characters in the future. The main content of this thesis includes four parts: The first part: introduction. This part briefly introduces the definition of variant characters, the summary of the study of heterography, the research contents and methods of this subject. The second part: the collation of variant characters before standardizing Chinese character list. According to the order of time, by means of quantitative qualitative analysis, diachronic comparison, objective description, summing up and so on, this part combs the first batch of Heterotypic collation Table and the various heterotypic collation list and the heteromorphic character standard developed afterwards. Among them, quantitative analysis was also carried out by using the "first batch of heterotypic sorting list" and the "first batch of heterotypic sorting Table" / "Group 1055" and < "second batch of Heterotypic arrangement Table" (first draft / 598 Group / Group / 766 /), < list of Heterotypic Type arranged in Group No. 1943 (revised draft No. 1263 / Group / 1943, < Table of the second version of Heterotypic arrangement >) ( The method of grouping the selected words in each word list and each variant word in its group of characters in the 1033 group of solicitation for comments and the method of ordering each variant word in its group respectively, According to the sound items listed in the Chinese Dictionary (2nd Edition), the meanings of all the 5135 character groups were examined, and the different types of variant characters were classified qualitatively and statistically in the form of charts. This paper describes the actual situation of the collation of different types of characters in each table. Then according to the time order of the related word table, the standard heterography collation work is compared, summarized, and then according to each word table, the standard quantitative qualitative analysis, This paper summarizes and explains the principles, methods and scope involved in the collation of variant characters in the diachronic process since the publication of the first batch of Heterotypic sorting tables. The third part: the collation of Chinese characters. This part has carried on the objective description and the qualitative analysis to the variant character which the standard Chinese character form adjusts involves in the adjustment, has summarized its in the variant character arrangement principle, the method, the scope inheritance and the innovation situation and the enlightenment to the Chinese character standard work. Part four: conclusion. Summarize the full text and point out the deficiency of the research work.
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