本文选题:勉语 + 汉语借词 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:勉语是汉藏语系苗瑶语族瑶语支自称[mjen31]的瑶族语言,是瑶族中使用人口最多的一种语言。历史上,由于瑶族一直与汉民族保持着密切的联系,所以勉语中存在大量汉语借词。对一个语言系统来说,借词既带有源语言的特点,又受到受语言语言系统的制约,是融于受语言的外语言成分。因此,勉语中的汉语借词的研究具有其独特的价值。首先,由于汉语借词是汉语-勉语接触的产物,通过汉语借词研究,可以发现汉语-勉语之间的接触机制。其次,从语言史的角度来说,虽然汉语借词是勉语历史比较中被排除的对象,但由于汉借词保留了汉语的读音,包含了汉语的历史信息,对汉语的历史研究具有重要的参考价值。 《汉瑶词典》中的勉语汉语借词借自不同的历史时期,表现出不同的历史层次。本文运用“历史层次分析法”,以中古音系、《中原音韵》音系、南宁白话(粤语)以及上古汉语的诸家拟音作为参照,力图把《汉瑶词典》中的汉语借词进行穷尽式辨认,然后根据主要的语音差异和语音对应关系,把勉语汉语借词划分为现代层次、近代层次、中古层次和上古层次几个大层次。对汉借词进行历史层次的分析研究,通过不同历史阶段借词的语音特点来了解认识勉语语音的历史演变,了解该地区各历史阶段汉语及其他少数民族源语言的一些特点,为同源词、老借词分辨难题的解决做必要的基础工作,为语言接触理论的研究提供有学术价值的参考资料,为汉语、苗瑶语历史关系研究这一难题提供语料。 本文通过比较分析不同层次的勉语汉语借词,找出勉语汉语借词的借源,分析语音演变规律,并指出了汉语借词对勉语声母和韵母影响。
[Abstract]:Mianyu is the mjen31 language of Miao Yao language family of Han and Tibetan languages, and it is the most widely used language among Yao people. Historically, due to the close relationship between Yao nationality and Han nationality, there are a lot of Chinese loanwords in Mian language. For a language system, loanwords have both the characteristics of the source language and the constraints of the language system. Therefore, the study of Chinese loanwords in Mian language has its unique value. Firstly, as Chinese loanwords are the product of Chinese-Mian language contact, the contact mechanism between Chinese and Mian words can be found through the study of Chinese loanwords. Secondly, from the perspective of language history, although Chinese loanwords are excluded from the historical comparison of Mian language, Chinese loanwords retain the pronunciation of the Chinese language and contain the historical information of the Chinese language. It has important reference value to the historical study of Chinese. The Chinese loanwords borrowed from different historical periods in Han Yao Dictionary show different historical levels. By using the Analytic hierarchy process of History (AHP), taking the middle ancient phonetic system, the Central Plains phonological system, the Nanning dialect (Cantonese) and the ancient Chinese phonetic imitatives as the reference, this paper tries to identify the Chinese loanwords in the Han Yao Dictionary. Then according to the main phonological differences and phonological correspondence, the Mian Chinese loanwords are divided into modern, modern, middle and ancient levels. By analyzing and studying the historical level of Chinese loanwords, this paper tries to understand the historical evolution of Mian dialect by means of the phonological characteristics of loanwords in different historical stages, and to understand some characteristics of Chinese and other ethnic minority languages in different historical stages in this area. In order to solve the problem of identifying old loanwords, we should do some basic work, provide academic reference materials for the study of language contact theory, and provide the corpus for the study of the historical relationship between Chinese and Miao language. By comparing and analyzing different levels of Mian Chinese loanwords, this paper finds out the source of Mian Chinese loanwords, analyzes the rules of phonetic evolution, and points out the influence of Chinese loanwords on the consonants and vowels of Mian dialect.
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