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发布时间:2018-05-13 08:32

  本文选题:“看” + 词义引申 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:“看”是现代汉语中的一个基本词,包含丰富的义项并且具有很强的组合能力。“看”的很多义项并非一开始时就存在,而是在语言的演变过程中,由本义发展引申出来。《说文·目部》释曰:“看,wN也。从手下目”。由此可知最早的意义是远望,然后词义扩大为表示普通的视觉意义。本文借鉴前人的研究成果,主要讨论“看”由普通的视觉意义向其他各个义项的引申过程以及在这一过程中发生的非范畴化现象。 文章根据具有代表性的词典对“看”的义项进行归纳,并结合大量的实际语料,推测出了“看”的语义引申的三条路线。分别为:1、“看”的本义引申到表示其他器官的感知,再引申到其他器官的尝试义,最终引申为表尝试义的动态助词;2、从“看”的本义引申到“观看、欣赏、看望、诊治、观察”义,再由这些意义引申到表示认为义的认知性动词,再引申为话语标记成分;3、从“看”的本义引申到表示提醒注意、责备、威胁、担心的话语标记成分。 在词义的引申过程中,通常存在词性的弱化和降级。非范畴化在词性的弱化和降级过程中是常见的句法表现。“看”在向这三个方向引申的过程中,它的句法特点发生改变。“看”在用作本义时,具有明显的实义动词的典型特点。当“看”引申为介词、动态助词和话语标记时丧失了原有范畴的某些特征,同时获得了新的范畴特征。 文章的最后结合“看”的三条引申路线,对“看”的词义引申机制进行研究,归纳了“看”词义引申的工作机制,,包括:隐喻和转喻、主观化、语义泛化、重新分析。
[Abstract]:"look" is a basic word in modern Chinese, which contains rich meanings and has strong ability of combination. Many of the meanings of "see" do not exist at the beginning, but in the course of language evolution, they are derived from the development of the original meaning. Look from under. " Thus, the earliest meaning is farsightedness, and then the word meaning is expanded to mean ordinary visual meaning. Based on the previous research results, this paper mainly discusses the extension process of "look" from ordinary visual meaning to other meanings and the phenomenon of non-categorization occurring in this process. This paper sums up the meaning of "see" according to the representative dictionary, and combined with a lot of actual data, it inferred three lines of semantic extension of "see". The original meaning of "see" is extended to mean the perception of other organs, and then to the trial meaning of other organs. Finally, it is extended to the dynamic auxiliary of "looking at" to "watching, appreciating, visiting, and treating". Observing "meaning" and extending it from these meanings to the cognitive verb which indicates the meaning, and then to the utterance marker component "I", from the original meaning of "see" to the utterance mark of reminding attention, reproach, threat and worry. In the process of extension of word meaning, there is usually weakening and demotion of part of speech. Non-categorization is a common syntactic expression in the process of weakening and demotion of part of speech. In the process of extending to these three directions, its syntactic features change. "see" has the typical characteristics of the literal verb when it is used as the original meaning. When "look" is extended as a preposition, dynamic auxiliary words and discourse markers lose some features of the original category and obtain new category features. In the last part of the paper, the author studies the mechanism of word meaning extension of "see", and summarizes the working mechanism of word meaning extension, including metaphor and metonymy, subjectivization, semantic generalization and re-analysis.


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