本文选题:水书 + 家族性 ; 参考:《贵州民族大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:水书是水族人民创制的古老文字,它的起源以及之后的发展一直是学术界探讨的重要问题。虽然由于同时代考古证据的缺失,水书一直无法与汉文化的甲骨文、金文做直接的对话,但是在现有水书明版本与清版本的基础上,也可以做一下有益的研究。由于水书文字与汉字之间存在的千丝万缕的联系,这种字形上的比较也就具有了一定的意义。 水书的发展存在着诸多与汉字不同的特点,这些特点一方面显示水书所携带的独特魅力,另一方面更使汉字有了可以相互比照的依据。水书字形整理,不可能跳过对汉字形体的研究,同样汉字文字学更不应该将目光局限在原先狭小的研究范畴内,既然甲骨文与埃及象形文字的比较具有价值,那么汉字与水书的比较就应该可以包容更大的意义。文字的发展是一个流变的过程,水书亦是如此。其发展在不同时期、不同层面都收到了汉字的影响。而家族性与地域性也成为水书字形发展的内部动因。这些都是研究水书与汉字字形比较应该注意的部分。 水书携带诸多的历史信息,这是研究水书所应该注意的第一点,而家族性与地域性更是水书得以保存以及具有诸多特点的关键因素。本文更在一定的框架结构下,,将文字发展过程用谱系树的形式总结出来,力图使之清晰完整。这些总结会对之后的研究起到材料收集的作用。本文就是在这些前提的基础上,对水书天干地支字形做一个尝试性的探讨,以期在与甲骨文、金文的比较中得出些许对汉字发展规律认识有所帮助的启示。
[Abstract]:Shuishu is an ancient character created by the people of Shui nationality. Its origin and development has always been an important issue in academic circles. Although due to the lack of contemporary archaeological evidence, Shuishu has been unable to make direct dialogue with the oracle bone inscriptions and Jin Wen of Han culture, but on the basis of the existing versions of Shuishu Ming and Qing Dynasty, it is also possible to do some useful research. Because of the inextricable connection between the characters and the characters, the comparison of the characters has a certain significance. The development of water books has many different characteristics from Chinese characters. On the one hand, these characteristics show the unique charm of water books, on the other hand, make Chinese characters have the basis of mutual comparison. It is impossible to skip the study of the form of Chinese characters by sorting out the glyph of Shuishu. Similarly, the study of Chinese characters should not be confined to the original narrow scope of research. Since the comparison between oracle bone inscriptions and Egyptian hieroglyphics is valuable, Then the comparison between Chinese characters and water books should contain greater significance. The development of text is a process of change, and so is the book of water. Its development in different periods, different levels have received the influence of Chinese characters. The familial and regional characteristics also become the internal motivation for the development of Shuishu zigzag. These are the parts that should be paid attention to in the study of water books and Chinese characters. Water books carry a lot of historical information, which is the first point that should be paid attention to in the study of water books. Family and region are the key factors to preserve water books and have many characteristics. In this paper, the development process of characters is summarized in the form of genealogical tree under a certain frame structure, in order to make it clear and complete. These wrap-up sessions serve as a collection of materials for subsequent research. On the basis of these presuppositions, this paper makes a tentative discussion on the shape of the branches of the dry earth in Shuishu, hoping to draw some helpful enlightenment from the comparison with the oracle bone inscriptions and the golden inscriptions on the understanding of the law of the development of Chinese characters.
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