[Abstract]:By means of literature and comprehensive research, this paper reviews the history of white language research over a hundred years, systematically combs the academic development process of white language research, and analyzes the important achievements, main characteristics and academic value of various topics. Since the mid-19 th century, the study of White language has gone through more than a hundred years. In the development of white language, the study of white language has experienced a process from the beginning, development to prosperity. Many experts and scholars of Bai language research, including a large number of Bai scholars in various fields of white language research, each topic quietly work, published and published a series of excellent research results, promoting the progress and development of white language research. This paper makes a special analysis of the academic history of Bai language research, systematically combs the academic development course of Bai language research, and analyzes the important achievements of each subject study. The special research includes five parts: modern white language study, ancient white language study, white language family research, white language history research, and white language study. Since the middle of the 19 th century, the debate over the issue of white languages has not stopped. Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the normal development of academic exchanges between China and foreign countries, the discovery of new materials, the absorption of new theories and the application of new methods, the study of White language has been pushed to a new stage. Papers published and published in recent years have shown that the study of White language continues to grow in depth and breadth. Some researches on some issues have been carried out on the basis of previous studies, while some studies have filled in the gaps in the past. Therefore, it is necessary to review the current situation of white language research and to systematically comb the academic development process of white language research.
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