[Abstract]:In this paper, the phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects of sea otter speech in Qingnan rhinoceros foot town in Qinzhou City are studied systematically, and on this basis, the phonological historical level of sea otter dialect is straightened out, and some important phonological problems are discussed. By comparing with other dialects, this paper tries to make a rough judgment on the belonging of sea otter dialect. This paper is divided into eight parts, mainly on the voice, respectively: the first chapter: the geographical population of Qinzhou, Guangxi, the history of the system and the use of language, as well as the significance of this study, methods and so on; The second chapter mainly describes the phonetic system of sea otter dialect, summarizes the characteristics of its consonant, vowel and tone, lists the relationship among voice, rhyme and tone, and makes a diachronic comparison of its phonetic system. The third chapter mainly describes the lexical system of sea otter speech and lists the classified vocabulary of sea otter dialect, the fourth chapter mainly analyzes the grammar of sea otter dialect, including morphology and syntax, and lists the grammatical examples of sea otter dialect. The fifth chapter summarizes the phonetic historical levels of sea otter dialect, including the consonant and vowel, the sixth chapter discusses the important phonological problems of sea otter dialect, there are two small dots-sea otter dialect evolution and the influence of Cantonese on sea otter dialect. Chapter seven discusses the relation of sea otter dialect by comparison with Cantonese.
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