[Abstract]:Language is not only a cultural phenomenon but also a carrier of culture. Language as the carrier of culture, through language materials, can understand a certain spiritual culture. Thus we can understand the origin, development and evolution of a certain spiritual and cultural phenomenon. That is to say, from the origin, development and evolution of language, we can explore the footprints of a certain culture and explain the spiritual and cultural phenomena of a nation. Mongolian has rich vocabulary. Through the use of the abundant language materials which appear in Mongolian, this paper analyzes only some key words about Mongolian primitive religion and Tibetan Buddhism in the spiritual and cultural level, and probes into a corner of Mongolian spiritual culture. The first chapter begins with the relationship between language and spiritual culture, mainly states the concept of spiritual culture, the manifestation of spiritual culture in language and the significance of studying spiritual culture. The second chapter lists the key words about the Mongolian primitive beliefs from the modern Mongolian language, such as < Tenggri, Etugen, Shang Shu, Zada, Fire. Through these words to explore the spiritual level of Mongolian culture. The third chapter only discusses the influence of Tibetan Buddhism on the influence of foreign cultural words on the Mongolian national thinking in our Mongolian language, such as "Lama, World, Hada, Hell" and "Lama, World, Hada", which are actively used in our Mongolian language. In a word, the spiritual culture of Mongolian nation is inseparable from the influence of religion. Both Shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism played an extremely important role in ancient Mongolian society. Under the guidance of this kind of cultural thinking, Mongolian spiritual culture has formed its own unique charismatic personality culture, which is the precious cultural heritage of our Mongolian nation.
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