[Abstract]:In the process of the development of human cultural consciousness, the result of people's cognition of natural color from subjective consciousness has produced a variety of symbolic colors of understanding. However, the cultural consciousness of different nationalities reflects the cultural consciousness of that nation when they express their ideas with color. Because of the difference of religion, social culture and history, cognitive form and aesthetic appreciation of each nationality, the mysterious elements of the good desire of each nationality to turn "color" into their own life, folklore and system are also different. The first chapter mainly explores the meaning of the basic color culture and green color culture initiated by the Mongolian people from the aspects of origin, social culture, history, religion, folklore and so on. The second chapter: the seven colors from the basic color mixed hair as an individual part of the color culture livestock fur color culture mainly in folk songs reaction. In a word, the color itself is a physical phenomenon, but in different national languages, there are commonness and individuality in the meaning of cultural emotion by visual association. This personality reflects the different social nature of the national language and reflects the traditional cultural values to varying degrees. Every nation has its own color to appreciate and not to appreciate. In the cultural consciousness of the Mongolian people, the perception of color begins with the natural phenomenon. The Mongolian people observe the nature and the various phenomena in the sky. They regard "black, white, green, red and yellow" as the basic five colors, and worship ceremonies in Aobo. The tips of the flag are decorated with "five colors" to express their respect and admiration, and to sing folk songs by the name of the horse's coat or to distinguish the horse from the hymn to express their expectations.
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