发布时间:2018-07-23 18:44
【摘要】:昵称即亲昵、喜爱的称呼,能表示亲近和喜爱。维吾尔语昵称词汇广泛存在于维吾尔族的民族习俗和民族文化之中,有着独特的文化背景和文化含义。 本文融合语言、文化、民族习俗等方面,对维吾尔语中一些比较常用的昵称称谓作一探究。深入研究这些文化背景和社会生活的称谓体系,,不但可以了解维吾尔族人的审美观念和价值体系,而且有助于我们更好地了解维吾尔族人的民族习俗和民族文化,便于促进民族了解,密切交往,增进团结。
[Abstract]:Nicknames are affectionate, favorite forms of address that can indicate closeness and affection. Uyghur nickname vocabulary widely exists in the national customs and culture of Uygur nationality, and has unique cultural background and cultural meaning. In this paper, some commonly used nicknames in Uygur language are explored in the aspects of language, culture, national customs and so on. A thorough study of these cultural backgrounds and the appellation system of social life can not only understand the aesthetic concept and value system of the Uygur people, but also help us better understand the ethnic customs and national culture of the Uygur people. Facilitate the promotion of ethnic understanding, close contacts, and promote unity.
[Abstract]:Nicknames are affectionate, favorite forms of address that can indicate closeness and affection. Uyghur nickname vocabulary widely exists in the national customs and culture of Uygur nationality, and has unique cultural background and cultural meaning. In this paper, some commonly used nicknames in Uygur language are explored in the aspects of language, culture, national customs and so on. A thorough study of these cultural backgrounds and the appellation system of social life can not only understand the aesthetic concept and value system of the Uygur people, but also help us better understand the ethnic customs and national culture of the Uygur people. Facilitate the promotion of ethnic understanding, close contacts, and promote unity.
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