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发布时间:2018-07-24 08:13
【摘要】:名词的基本功能是指称,名词的词义就是对所指对象的描述和反映。名词的指称是语言学、逻辑学和哲学共同关心的众多传统问题之一。现有针对汉语光杆名词语义的研究成果并不丰富,但是很有研究价值。作为一种无形态标记的语法形式,汉语光杆名词在话语中是如何实现不同指称意义的,这个问题值得我们去关注。 当前,认知语言学作为一种新的解释语言现象的路向,在国内外蓬勃发展,为我们提供了一个研究语言的新视角。Langacker的认知语法重视情境植入理论,强调言语事件、说话人和听话人、直接环境等情境因素对语言意义的构成所起的重要作用,认为一个语言表达式的使用是通过理解一个情境来完成的。本研究尝试基于认知语法情境植入理论的视角,重新审视汉语光杆名词的语义,希望能发现影响光杆名词语义建构的认知机制。 本研究的目的是:在认知语法情境植入理论的观照下描写和解释汉语光杆名词的语义,具体包含三个方面:第一,汉语光杆名词的主要语义功能;第二,汉语光杆名词的语义建构机制;第三,汉语光杆名词情境植入的特征。首先,我们从光杆名词的句法分布入手,详细描写各句法位置光杆名词的语义特征,归纳出光杆名词的主要语义功能。在此基础上,我们依据认知语法情境植入理论,探讨光杆名词的语义建构机制。最后,总结出汉语光杆名词情境植入的特征。 本研究共分七章。第一章,绪论。第二章,研究回顾。第三章,光杆名词的界定和本文的指称体系。第四章,认知分析框架。第五章,光杆名词的语义特征。第六章,影响光杆名词语义建构的认知因素。第七章,结论和展望。 第一章是研究绪论,主要交代本研究的动机、目的、研究方法、理论指导、语料来源和结构安排。 第二章是研究回顾,综览和述评前期有代表性的研究成果,在此基础上,提出本研究的问题。 结构主义视角下的研究主要是从光杆名词在句中所出现的句法位置入手,有两个观点:“主语位置倾向有定、宾语位置倾向无定”的倾向性观点和石毓智提出的“句法赋义规律”:谓语动词之前表有定,谓语动词之后表无定。生成语言学视角下的研究有两个着眼点:一是着重分析谓词性质,区分恒常和瞬时性谓词对光杆名词语义的影响。二是认为光杆名词的不同指称义是句法语义操作的结果。功能主义视角下的研究除重视句法位置对光杆名词语义的影响外,还从信息编码过程的角度来区分光杆名词的语义。认知语言学视角下的研究较为分散,主要代表观点是沈家煊对光杆名词“有界”与“无界”的划分:“有界”名词典型的语法结构包括做主语的光杆名词。“无界”名词典型的语法结构包括通指性的名词和其他光杆名词。 诚然,各个学派对光杆名词的研究深化了我们对光杆名词语义的认识,为后续研究的开展提供了借鉴。然而,我们发现,,对于光杆名词的研究,仍存在一些悬而未决或较少论及的问题。第一,汉语光杆名词在话语中都可以实现何种指称功能?哪种是最基本的指称功能?第二,假设光杆名词在句子中实现各类指称义受隐性情境植入方式的影响,那么这只“看不见的手”是怎样参与汉语光杆名词的语义建构,影响光杆名词的语义指称的?第三,影响汉语光杆名词语义的隐性情境植入方式表现出哪些特征呢?这三个问题是本研究要解决的问题。 第三章在对汉语光杆名词重新界定的基础上,重新审视汉语名词的指称体系。从认知语法情境植入理论的角度来看,本文认为所有的名词性成分都是有指成分。有指成分可以分为两种情况,根据说话人在话语中是否使用了特定的情境植入方式为所指对象植入情境,令听话人得以识别所指,有指可以进一步分为概指和非概指。非概指指称又可以分为非个体指称和个体指称。非个体指称对应类指,个体指称又包括定指(identifiable)和不定指(non-identifiable)。 第四章在认知语法情境植入理论的基础上,提出汉语光杆名词情境植入的假设:相较英语中外显的情境植入成分来说,汉语中的情境植入成分多是隐含的。我们假设汉语有一套特有的手段来实现对光杆名词的情境植入,使言语行为的参与者(说话人和听话人)能够建立起与话语中所表示的事物的心理联系,即顺利辨识出例示域中被凸显的例示。在这一假设的基础上,建立了汉语光杆名词语义概念化的认知分析框架。情境植入是确定光杆名词相对于情境的位置的过程,通过情境植入,言语行为中的说话人将听话人的注意力指引向他头脑中的事体例示,听话人基于说话人使用的情境植入成分识别出该例示,最终实现说话人和听话人与光杆名词所表示的事物的共同心理联系。 第五章在自建的70万字的小型语料库的基础上,对光杆名词的语义特征进行分析,详细描写了在句子各个位置上的光杆名词的指称义。研究发现:第一,人们会在实际的话语中大量使用光杆名词来实现不同的交际目的。在实际的话语使用中,光杆名词的语义特征集中体现在表示定指意义上。第二,光杆名词的句法位置非常灵活,主要在句子中充当宾语,其次是句子主语和定语,同时还可以担任短语层面的主宾语、定语,还可以做称谓语、出现在比较结构中等。第三,光杆名词表示不定指的情况非常少,一定程度上说明了光杆名词表不定指的功能相对较弱。第四,光杆名词所处的句法位置与其指称并没有直接对应关系。 第六章探讨光杆名词的语义建构机制。情境植入的结果总是说话人和听话人实现相同的心智指称,但实现这一结果的方式却是不同的,原因在于说话人使用了不同的情境植入成分。定指性光杆名词情境植入的方式包括“型例合一的内在情境植入”、“领属连带型情境植入”、“时空锚定型情境植入”、“言语互动型情境植入”、“照应型情境植入”、和“量化型情境植入”六种。说话人通过使用不同的情境植入成分开辟了一条听话人与例示域中某一特定个体相联系的心理通道。不定指光杆名词主要通过情境植入成分“过”、“有”获得“个体义”,说话人通过使用情境植入成分开辟了一条听话人与例示域中任一个体相联系的心理通道。光杆名词的类指义凸显“整体”概念,说话人立足于自己所处的空间,通过为整个句子植入“非现实”的情境令听话人将注意力指向句子中光杆名词所对应的例示的合集,即类别。 第七章是结论,论述本研究的主要发现。第一,本文讨论汉语光杆名词的语义,在对70万字语料分析的基础上对光杆名词语义做了详细的分析,结果表明汉语光杆名词在实际话语中主要表示定指义。第二,汉语光杆名词在实际话语中的指称义与其说是受句法位置的影响,倒不如说是与不同情境植入方式有关。第三,汉语光杆名词主要是通过隐性、间接的情境植入方式获得指称义的。第四,汉语的情境植入方式相互兼容并相互交织,一个光杆名词的语义建构往往受到多种情境植入方式的影响。第五,汉语名词的情境植入方式与英语名词情境植入方式表现出较大的差异,但也存在一定的相似之处,其异同包括三个方面:首先,与英语名词短语表达不定指意义时需要使用情境植入成分“a”一样,汉语光杆名词在表达不定指意义时多会强制性地加上标记,如“个”和“有”等情境植入成分,表明光杆名词表达不定指的功能受到了限制。这也从侧面说明了表达不定指并不是汉语光杆名词最本质的功能。其次,汉英表达有定的显性情境植入成分基本对应,英语中的有定情境植入成分“the”、“this”和“that”与汉语中的定指情境植入成“这+量”、“那+量”有一定的对应关系。主要差异在于英语的有定情境植入成分是必要的、强制性的,而汉语的这类显性定指情境植入成分是可选择的、非强制性的。在很多情况下,汉语更倾向于使用隐性的情境植入方式。再次,英语名词短语的情境植入成分如量词、冠词和指示代词之间是互相排斥的,这反映了这些情境植入成分的功能羡余并且语义不兼容。但汉语的情境植入方式却是相互交织的,一个光杆名词的语义建构往往受到多种情境植入方式的影响。 本研究的理论意义在于:第一,本研究将情境植入理论应用于对现代汉语光杆名词的研究上,着重探讨情境因素如何参与汉语语法体系的构建,汉语的语言事实也对认知语法的情境植入理论提出了补正,即名词情境植入成分除了显性与隐性之分,还有强制性与非强制性之分。第二,对汉语光杆名词情境植入的研究,一定意义上丰富了汉语语法研究中有关光杆名词语义的研究,基于语言事实对刘丹青提出的“光杆名词短语类指普遍性假说”和石毓智提出的“汉语句法结构赋义规律”提出了补正。此外,对汉语光杆名词情境植入的研究还为名词短语语义研究、现代汉语体态和情态研究提供了一个新的视角。第三,汉语光杆名词情境植入这一统一的模型较好地解决了光杆名词的意义建构问题。 本研究的实践意义在于:第一,本文从情境植入角度对光杆名词指称义的解读对对外汉语教学中光杆名词选择与运用的研究具有借鉴意义。第二,对于完善简明的汉语语法体系具有一定的推动作用。 研究展望: 第一,我们期待进一步细化对光杆名词指称义的描写。例如,光杆名词类指指称在实际话语使用中也占有一定的比例,我们认为说话人是通过为句子植入“非现实”的情境来使光杆名词凸显类指指称的。但是,类指指称的细化分类是值得进一步研究的。 第二,思辨性的研究只有基于大量现实语料而非自省语料的分析,观点才会具有扎实的现实基础。本研究更加注重对现实语料的观察和分析,归纳整理的丰富语料为后续研究奠定了良好的基础,例如,我们可以在现有语料的基础上,对光杆名词各种情境植入方式所占比重进行统计分析,以更直观的方式展现汉语光杆名词情境植入的特征,对这些情境植入方式以及它们之间的关系进行更准确的描述。
[Abstract]:The basic function of nouns is reference. The meaning of a noun is the description and reflection of the object referred to. The reference of a noun is one of the many traditional issues of common concern in linguistics, logic and philosophy. The existing research results on the semantic meaning of Chinese light bar nouns are not rich, but they are of great value. In the form of Chinese bare noun, how to achieve different referential meanings in discourse is worthy of our attention.
At present, as a new way of interpreting language phenomenon, cognitive linguistics has developed rapidly both at home and abroad. It provides us with a new perspective of language study,.Langacker, which emphasizes the importance of situational embedding theory, emphasizing the importance of linguistic events, speaker and hearers, and direct environment factors to the composition of language meaning. The use of a language expression is accomplished by understanding a situation. This study attempts to reexamine the semantic meaning of the Chinese light bar nouns based on the perspective of cognitive grammatical situational implantation theory, hoping to find the cognitive mechanism that affects the semantic construction of the noun.
The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the semantic meaning of Chinese light bar nouns under the perspective of cognitive grammatical situation implantation theory, which includes three aspects: first, the main semantic functions of Chinese light bar nouns; second, semantic construction mechanism of Chinese light bar nouns; third, characteristics of Chinese light pole nouns. First, we Starting with the syntactic distribution of the light bar nouns, the semantic features of the light bar nouns in each syntactic position are described in detail, and the main semantic functions of the light bar nouns are summed up. On this basis, we discuss the semantic construction mechanism of the light bar nouns based on the cognitive grammatical situation implantation theory. Finally, the characteristics of the situation implantation of the Chinese light bar nouns are summed up.
This study is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter, the introduction, the second chapter, the research review. The third chapter, the definition of the noun noun and the reference system of this article. The fourth chapter, the cognitive analysis framework. The fifth chapter, the semantic features of the light pole noun. The sixth chapter, the cognitive factors affecting the semantic construction of the light pole noun. Seventh chapter, the conclusion and the prospect.
The first chapter is the introduction of the study, which mainly explains the motivation, purpose, research methods, theoretical guidance, corpus sources and structural arrangement of the study.
The second chapter is a review of the research, a review and commentary on the representative research results in the early stage, and on this basis, the problems of this study are put forward.
From the perspective of structuralism, the study mainly begins with the syntactic position of the noun noun in the sentence. There are two points of view: "the tendencies of the position tendency of the subject, the position of the object indefinite" and the "law of syntactic meaning" put forward by Shi Yuzhi: the predicate verb is fixed before the predicate verb is fixed, the predicate verb is indefinite after the predicate verb, and the idiom is the idiom. There are two points of view in the perspective of the perspective: one is to focus on the analysis of the nature of the predicate and to distinguish the influence of the constant and instantaneous predicates on the semantic meaning of the noun. The two is that the different referential meaning of the light bar nouns is the result of the sentence French meaning operation. From the point of view of the information encoding process, the semantic meaning of the light bar nouns is distinguished. The research in the perspective of cognitive linguistics is more scattered. The main representation is that Shen Jia's view is divided into the "bounded" and "unbounded" of the light bar nouns. The typical grammatical structure of the "bounded" noun includes the light pole noun as the subject. It consists of nouns and other light pole nouns.
It is true that the study of the light bar nouns has deepened our understanding of the noun semantics of the light bar, and provided a reference for the follow-up study. However, we have found that there are still some unresolved or less discussed questions about the study of the light bar nouns. First, what kind of reference function can be realized in the discourse of the Chinese light bar nouns. Which is the most basic referential function? Second, assuming that the light pole noun realizes the influence of the implicit context implantation in the sentence, then how does the "invisible hand" participate in the semantic construction of the Chinese light pole noun and influence the semantic reference of the light pole noun? Third, the implicit feeling affecting the semantic meaning of the Chinese light pole noun. What are the characteristics of environmental implantation? These three problems are the problems to be solved in this study.
The third chapter reexamines the reference system of Chinese nouns on the basis of redefining the noun noun in Chinese. From the point of view of the cognitive grammatical situation implantation theory, this paper holds that all the noun elements are referred to. The referential component can be divided into two situations, and whether the speaker uses a specific situation in the discourse or not. The way of entry is to implant the object to the object, so that the speaker can identify the finger, and the finger can be further divided into general and non reference. The non referential reference can be divided into non individual reference and individual reference. The non individual reference to the corresponding category refers to the individual reference (identifiable) and the indefinite finger (non-identifiable).
The fourth chapter, based on the theory of cognitive grammatical situation implantation, puts forward the hypothesis of context implantation in Chinese light bar nouns. Compared with the contextual implants in English and foreign language, the situation implantable elements in Chinese are mostly implied. We assume that Chinese has a unique set of means to realize the situation implantation of the light bar nouns and make the speech act The participants (speakers and hearers) can establish the psychological connection with what is expressed in the discourse, that is, a smooth identification of the illustrative examples in the illustrative domain. On the basis of this hypothesis, a cognitive analysis framework for the semantic conceptualization of the Chinese light bar nouns is established. Through the situation implantation, the speaker in the speech act will guide the listener's attention to the case in his mind. The listener recognizes the example based on the situational implant component used by the speaker, and finally realizes the common psychological connection between the speaker and the listener and the light bar nouns.
The fifth chapter, on the basis of a small corpus of self built 70 thousand words, analyzes the semantic features of the light bar nouns and describes the meaning of the light pole noun in every position of the sentence. First, people will use a lot of light bar nouns to achieve different communicative purposes in the actual discourse. In use, the semantic features of the noun noun are embodied in the signifying meaning. Second, the syntactic position of the light bar nouns is very flexible, mainly as the object in the sentence, followed by the subject and the attribution of the sentence, and can also serve as the main object, the attribution and the appellation at the phrase level, and appear in the middle of the comparative structure, third, the name of the light pole. There are very few words indicating the indefinite meaning of words. To a certain extent, the function of the indefinite element of the light bar nouns is relatively weak. Fourth, the syntactic position of the noun noun is not directly corresponding to its reference.
The sixth chapter discusses the semantic construction mechanism of the light pole noun. The result of situational implantation is always the same mind reference for the speaker and the hearer, but the way to achieve this result is different, the reason is that the speaker uses different contextual implants. There are six types of contextual implants: "situational implantation", "situational context implantation", "space-time anchoring situation implantation", "verbal interactive situation implantation", "anaphora situation implantation", and "quantitative situational implantation". By using different contextual implants, the speaker opens a hearer to a particular individual in the example domain. It does not necessarily mean that the light bar nouns are mainly inserted through the situation to "over", "there are" "individual meanings", and the speaker opens up a psychological channel that the listener is connected with any individual in the domain through the use of the situation. The class meaning of the light pole NOUN highlights the concept of "the whole", and the speaker is based on himself. The space in which the "unrealistic" situation is implanted in the whole sentence makes the listener point the attention to the collection of examples corresponding to the light bar nouns in the sentence, that is, the category.
The seventh chapter is the conclusion and the main findings of this study. First, this paper discusses the semantic meaning of the Chinese light bar nouns. On the basis of the analysis of the 70 thousand words, the meaning of the noun noun is analyzed in detail. The result shows that the Chinese light pole noun mainly expresses the meaning in the actual discourse. Second, the Chinese light pole noun in the actual discourse refers to the meaning of the noun. Meaning rather than the effect of syntactic position, it is more related to different situational implants. Third, Chinese light bar nouns mainly get referential meaning through recessive and indirect situation implantation. Fourth, Chinese situational implants are compatible and intertwined with each other, and the semantic construction of a light pole noun is often subjected to many kinds of semantic construction. The influence of situational implants. Fifth, there are great differences between Chinese nouns and English noun situation implantation, but there are some similarities. The similarities and differences include three aspects: first, when the expression of English noun phrases is not defined, the situation implants "a" should be used as "the Chinese light pole". Nouns often add markers, such as "one" and "there", to indicate that the function of the indefinite meaning of the expression of light bar nouns is restricted. It also shows that expression is not the most essential function of Chinese light bar nouns. Secondly, the expression of explicit context is implanted in Chinese English. The components "the", "this" and "that" in English are implanted into "this + quantity" and "that + quantity" in English. The main difference lies in the necessity and coercion of the implanting components in English. In many cases, Chinese is more inclined to use implicit situational implants. Again, the contextual implants of English noun phrases such as quantifiers, articles and demonstrative pronouns are mutually exclusive, which reflects the functional enviour and incompatibility of these contexts, but the situation in Chinese. The way of implantation is intertwined, and the semantic construction of a bare noun is often influenced by various situational implants.
The theoretical significance of this study lies in the following: first, this study applies the situation implantation theory to the study of modern Chinese light bar nouns, focusing on how situational factors participate in the construction of Chinese grammar system. The language facts of the Chinese language also make a correction to the theory of context implantation in cognitive grammar, that is, the elements of the noun situation implantation are explicit except dominance. Second, the study of the context implantation of the Chinese light pole noun enriches the study of the semantic of the light bar noun in the study of Chinese grammar, based on the "universal hypothesis of the light pole noun phrase category" and the "Chinese sentence" proposed by Shi Yuzhi based on the fact of language to Liu Danqing. In addition, the research on the situation implantation of Chinese light bar nouns has also provided a new perspective for the study of noun phrase semantics, the study of modern Chinese posture and modality. Third, the unified model of the situation implantation of Chinese light bar nouns is a good solution to the problem of the meaning construction of the light bar nouns.
The practical significance of this study lies in the following aspects: first, this paper has a reference to the study of the selection and application of light bar nouns in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language from the perspective of context implantation. Second, it has some action for improving the Concise Chinese grammar system.
Research prospects:
First, we look forward to further refining the description of the nominal meaning of the light pole noun. For example, the light pole noun refers to a certain proportion in the use of the actual discourse, and we think the speaker makes the light by implanting a "unrealistic" situation for the sentence.


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2 李芳丽;汉语光杆名词短语的语义分析[D];湖南大学;2007年




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