[Abstract]:The focus of translation studies has experienced a process from author to text and then from text to reader. The reception aesthetics, which was born in the 1960s, holds that any work is meaningful only with the participation of the reader, and only when the translation works is accepted by the reader can there be room for existence. In addition, before reading literary works, readers' consciousness is not blank, but they have a certain world outlook, social experience, and aesthetic requirements, which is the expectation vision of readers. Therefore, in the process of translation, the translator should consider the reader's acceptance level and reading needs. The translator's aesthetic expectation should not only coincide with the original author's aesthetic expectation, but also with the target language reader's aesthetic expectation, that is, "horizon fusion", which faithfully reproduces the connotation of the original text in a manner acceptable to the target language reader. Another core idea of receptive aesthetics is that the meaning of the text is uncertain. To achieve "horizon fusion" is the translator's ultimate goal, which can only be achieved if the translator exerts his subjective initiative, fully excavates the implied meaning in the original text and fills in the meaning gap. In order to prove the viewpoint of reception aesthetics, the author chooses Zhang Guruo, a famous Chinese translator, as the translation of Jude the unknown. In order to ensure the accuracy and persuasion of the analysis, the author only chooses the third chapter of the novel to analyze. In his translation, Zhang Gurou focuses on the domestication translation strategy, supplemented by the foreignization translation strategy, which is readability and takes full account of the receptive ability of the target language readers. The domestication translation strategy contains a large number of four-character idioms with Chinese characteristics; the original text is expanded to fully excavate the meaning of the original text; repeated expressions are used to clearly present the original meaning; and the Wessex dialect of Shandong dialect is used to replace the original text. To narrow the distance between the translated text and the Chinese readers, and to use authentic Chinese expressions to present the meaning of the original text. Alienation strategy refers to literal translation and annotation. When the source language is similar to the target language, Zhang Guru uses the literal translation method. As the original text involves religion, architecture, and mythological stories, Hardy, the original author, respectively annotates the back of his work. Zhang Gu if then the bottom of the page that needs to be annotated also made an annotation. Not only are there differences in the way they are annotated, but there are also differences in their contents. Zhang Guru does not translate the original annotation word for word, but selects the important information annotation. In general, domestication is conducive to the stabilization and development of the target language and the target culture, while foreignization is conducive to the dissemination of foreign culture and the enrichment of the target language culture and language form. In any case, these two translation strategies are symbiotic. Zhang Gu-ruo 's translation is a translation taken care of by the reader. Considering that the reader's horizon of expectation will change under different circumstances, Zhang Guru uses these two translation strategies flexibly and freely, and faithfully conveys the true meaning of the original text. On the basis of excavating the implied meaning of the original text, the real sense of "horizon fusion" is realized.
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