[Abstract]:Kinship is a common interpersonal relationship in human society. Every language in the world has kinship appellations that mark the relationship. The kinship address is the address of the communicative object which has kinship relationship with oneself. It is the address of the relative based on the family and the kinship relation, which reflects the relationship between the people in the marriage and family. It not only reflects the status and function of a person in the network of kinship, but also reflects the long, young, intimate and inferiority in interpersonal relations, which is closely related to the whole social psychology, history and culture, traditional habits, etc. Any nation in the world has a relatively strict relative appellation system, but because of the historical and cultural reasons, the kinship relations in each region are not exactly the same, and the kinship terms reflecting these kinship relations are not exactly the same. Therefore, on the one hand, kinship appellations can not only reflect the characteristics of objectivity, subjectivity, sociality and development of words in the lexical system, but also make us observe regional culture and social culture. It is also valuable to study relative appellations from cultural linguistics as a window of history and culture. Therefore, the study of kinship terms has the dual meaning of linguistics and culturology. This paper makes an investigation and research on the kinship appellations of Qingyang dialect by means of description, analysis and comparison. The full text is divided into the following parts: first, the general situation of the research on Qingyang dialect, the source of the corpus and the significance of the research. The research methods are summarized. Secondly, through the investigation of eight kinship appellations in Qingyang dialect, the author makes a comprehensive and systematic description from three aspects: clan relatives, foreign relatives and in-laws, and summarizes the general characteristics of the kinship appellations in Qingyang dialect. Thirdly, this paper describes and analyzes the characteristics of kinship appellations in Qingyang dialect from the aspect of semantics and configuration. Fourthly, some special ancient Chinese markers in kinship appellations in Qingyang dialect are studied and traced. Finally, through some special linguistic phenomena in kinship appellations in Qingyang dialect, this paper analyzes the feudal patriarchal thought and Confucian culture.
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