[Abstract]:This paper investigates the plural form of Dongkou dialect in Dongkou County. Through detailed field investigation, the plural form of Dongkou dialect is studied comprehensively, and the auxiliary word "Lila [li55lA21]", which means plural meaning, is analyzed emphatically. This paper uses the method of combining language form and meaning to describe and analyze the French meaning of the complex form clause of Dongkou dialect in detail, and then uses the method of comparison to analyze the syntactic and semantic aspects of the complex form of Dongkou dialect. The differences between pragmatics and Putonghua attempt to conclude the grammatical features of the plural meaning of Dongkou dialect. This paper is divided into six chapters. The introduction briefly introduces the geography, history, population and language usage of Dongkou County, introduces the present situation of Dongkou dialect research, the emphasis and significance of this study, and gives the phonetic system of Dongkou dialect. The first chapter mainly discusses pronoun plural. Personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and interrogative pronouns are analyzed. This paper focuses on the analysis of the plural marker "Peer" [tsr55] of personal pronouns. The plural mark of Dongkou dialect, "Peer", attached to the singular personal pronouns "I", "you" and "its", becomes a grammatical element that indicates the plural number of personal pronouns. The second chapter analyzes the noun plural auxiliary "Lila" [1i55lA21]. As a plural auxiliary word, "Lila" can be appended not only to human noun, common noun, object noun, animal noun, but also abstract noun, collective noun, place noun. Semantically, "Lila" can not only denote the true plural meaning, but also express the contiguous plural meaning and the class meaning. The third chapter analyzes verbs and their sexual components, followed by "Lila". "Lila" is more flexible after verb-object phrases and can also be appended to a few verbs that show activity events, meaning the plural of contiguous classes rather than merely enumerating them. By analyzing the differences between "Lila" and Putonghua in the verb sex component of Dongkou dialect, this paper provides some ideas for the further comparative study between this dialect and Putonghua. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the introduction of "Lila". "Lila" has certain restrictions on the combination of nouns. The preceding noun cannot be a word indicating time, season, festival, or season; "li la" cannot be appended to a unique relative appellation; the noun and verb elements are followed by plural auxiliary "li la", which is generally used as the subject, object in the sentence Sometimes also do attributive, basically do not do predicate, adverbial, complement. Chapter five compares the plural form of Dongkou dialect with the plural form of Putonghua. In Dongkou dialect, pronoun has plural mark "peer", nouns have plural grammatical form, namely have special plural auxiliary word "Lila" to express, verb sex element can also be followed by plural auxiliary word "li la". Putonghua has a grammatical form to indicate the plural meaning of a noun, but the verb of Putonghua does not have the case of adding plural markers to indicate the plural meaning. The sixth chapter mainly discusses the source of "Lila". It is believed that "li55A21" comes from the modal auxiliary in the sentence "Lila [li55A21]". The conclusion part is a summary of the plural form characteristics of Dongkou dialect. Compared with "people" in Putonghua, "Lila" as a plural auxiliary has powerful functions in grammar, semantics and pragmatics. Of course, the causes of the formation of "Lila" as plural auxiliary words need to be further explored from the perspective of diachronic and synchronic.
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