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发布时间:2018-08-16 13:40
【摘要】:藏语是一个有着悠久历史的语言,自有藏族历史就有藏语存在的历史。藏族历史文献普遍记载藏文起源的年代为公元七世纪左右,随之佛教的引入与发扬,使藏民族的信仰、日常生活方式和思想意识等方面也发生了重大的变化。藏传佛教逐渐成为藏族文化的载体和核心内容,藏语为此收到藏传佛教的诸种影响。藏族人们在运用自己的母语进行交际的同时,藏语也逐渐演变为具有自身特色的一种语言。本文运用语言学的研究方法与古今藏族学者的研究成果进行比较,在此基础上结合现当代藏族社会中的藏语语法、短语和语义等受佛教影响的程度,将佛教与藏语文之间的渊源关系做了比较详细的阐述。 本论文共分四章。第一章主要描述了在特殊的历史时期和社会情况下,佛教的广泛传播对藏语言的影响。第二章,主要阐释了佛教经文的翻译对藏语语法体系和语法结构所做出的贡献。第三章,主要论述了当时大量的佛经翻译,不仅使藏语词汇的丰富提供了一个有利的平台,并且对藏语新词的发展也做出了不可磨灭的贡献。第四章,主要探讨了佛经里出现的大量的词汇,不仅对佛教的教义宣传起到了很好的作用,而且对藏语语义的多样性发展和变化有着深远的影响。最后,对藏语的发展和变化提出了个人的见解与观点。
[Abstract]:Tibetan is a language with a long history. Tibetan historical documents generally record the origin of Tibetan language in the seventh century AD. With the introduction and development of Buddhism, the Tibetan people's belief, daily life style and ideology have also undergone great changes. Tibetan Buddhism has gradually become the carrier and core content of Tibetan culture, and Tibetan language has been influenced by Tibetan Buddhism. While using their native language to communicate, Tibetan language has gradually evolved into a language with its own characteristics. This paper compares the research results of ancient and modern Tibetan scholars with those of linguistics, and combines the influence of Buddhism on the Tibetan grammar, phrases and semantics in modern Tibetan society. The relationship between Buddhism and Tibetan language is explained in detail. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter mainly describes the influence of the spread of Buddhism on Tibetan language in the special historical period and social conditions. The second chapter mainly explains the contribution of Buddhist scripture translation to the grammatical system and grammatical structure of Tibetan language. The third chapter mainly discusses a large number of Buddhist scriptures translation at that time, which not only provides a favorable platform for the enrichment of Tibetan vocabulary, but also makes an indelible contribution to the development of Tibetan neologisms. The fourth chapter mainly discusses a large number of words in Buddhist scriptures, which not only play a good role in the propaganda of Buddhism, but also have a profound influence on the development and change of Tibetan semantic diversity. Finally, the development and change of Tibetan language put forward personal views and views.


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1 华侃;藏译佛典中佛教词语的译创[J];中国藏学;2000年03期

2 陈建明;;近代基督教在西南少数民族地区的文字布道及其影响[J];世界宗教研究;2011年06期




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