[Abstract]:There are many discourse markers in modern Chinese, which is a kind of special component which has distinct syntactic and semantic features, but mainly takes on pragmatic functions. This paper analyzes the pragmatic functions of quoting discourse markers. The full text is divided into six parts. The first chapter describes the origin of the topic, summarizes the previous research results and the significance of this topic. The second chapter discusses the development and name of discourse markers, and summarizes the criteria for the definition of discourse markers on the basis of predecessors. By comparing the similarities and differences between discourse markers and independent words, the author thinks that discourse markers are the superior concepts of inserts, but they are quite different from the other three kinds of independent languages. In the third chapter, under the theoretical framework of discourse markers, we redefine the information source inserts in Chinese as citation type discourse markers, and conclude that they are different from other discourse markers. In the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters, three representative citation discourse markers are discussed in detail: it is said that, according to me, listening and speaking. Among them, "it is said" is the most frequently cited utterance marker, "as far as I know" is the most subjective citation type discourse marker, "listening and speaking" is the latest popular words on the Internet. In general, citation type discourse markers are a kind of discourse markers that indicate the source of information, which can enhance the objectivity of the information or indicate that the information is the opinion of others, so as to shirk the discourse responsibility.
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