[Abstract]:Verb-object ionization words are the most complicated and abundant ones in modern Chinese. In use, verb-object clutch words can be used separately as verbs, accept degree adverbs as modifiers, and when segregated, they can be expanded to a limited extent. For students studying Chinese, the study of verb-object separation is both important and difficult. The focus of the study is not on its meaning and nature, but on how to use it, especially on the expansion of verb-object disjunctive words in the process of segregation. It is not only the emphasis of learning, but also the difficulty of learning, which is a bottleneck for foreign students to learn Chinese. This paper, based on the foreign students' compositions in the HSK dynamic composition Corpus of Beijing language and language University, collects and arranges the usage of common verb-object disjunctive words in the corpus, and classifies the errors in the use of verb-object disjunctive words for foreign students. According to the above statistical results, the causes of errors are analyzed, and teaching suggestions are given. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the significance, motivation, research object, research method and research summary. In the second chapter, the author gives an overview of verb-object ionization words, and classifies the extended ways of verb-object ionization words. Chapter three mainly classifies the collected corpus and analyzes the error sentence at the grammatical level. Chapter four explores the deep causes of errors. The fifth chapter, according to the error reason gives the teaching suggestion. The sixth chapter mainly describes the characteristics and shortcomings of this paper. This paper takes the composition in the composition corpus as the research object, avoids the human inducement factor in the process of collecting the corpus to the maximum extent, thus more truthfully and objectively reflects the use of the foreign students' verb-object clutch words. I hope this paper can provide more basis for the practical research of Chinese as a foreign language.
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