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发布时间:2018-10-04 19:49
【摘要】:优语“指优人之口语,或散,或骈,或吐韵,或否,俱以优人自撰自发之创语,或自选自用之成语。……发语时,或在俳谐作伎内,或在戏剧表演内,或在日常生活内。”或捷讥笑谑、或寓意讽谏,往往谈言微中,意在言外,别有所指。 优语自春秋萌芽,经过先秦两汉魏晋南北朝的传承演变,至唐代出现繁荣的局面。唐代优语在前朝后代优语的发展演变过程中起着承上启下的纽带作用,它在继承前代优谏传统的基础上,改变前人质朴古拙的语言风格,胡汉聚合,表现出以一种前所未有的自信闳放的气度,侧重于在社会、政治、现实人生中的反映嘲讽。不仅优语的数量、质量有了很大提高,在题材创作、演说体制、发生情境、人物形象等方面更加丰富、充实,体现出艺术构思上的跃进。 本文以任二北先生的《优语集·唐代卷》中的唐代优语为研究主体,本着“知人论世”的写作态度,首先对优人的概念及其伎艺作了比较明确的定位,并且对唐代优人的社会地位,尤其是与帝王的关系方面进行了探讨。这一时期的优语,继承古优讽谏的传统,以眼前之景、人或事,见机作戏,随口戏谑,诙谐之中蕴含讽谏,谈笑之中包含着严肃。唐代优语的表演主题大致可分为讽谏、调笑两大类,讽谏类多为针砭时政、讽刺帝王朝臣的荒诞行为,调笑则以现实日常生活中的可笑之人、荒诞之事为发语点,随口戏弄,引人发笑,供人主笑乐。 俳优艺术的主导性技巧,,非语言艺术莫属。唐代优语讲究精美的语言艺术,在继承前代优语滑稽俳谐传统的基础上,以一种讽刺性的幽默、丰富的暗示性功能贯穿整个唐代,从而使得优语由酒边调笑表演,逐步发展成为一种走向喜剧化的表演。唐代优语集语言、文学、喜剧成分为一身,它既遵从语言的声律词格,文学的形象思维和比兴、连譬、借喻、夸张等手法,又有喜剧的滑稽性与俳谐性,并在长期的实践过程中逐渐形成具有时代特色的语言艺术。
[Abstract]:"excellent language" refers to the spoken language of superior people, or scattered, or parallel, or rhyme, or not, with the superior person to write their own spontaneous language, or the idiom of their own choice. In speaking, either in play, in theatrical performances, or in daily life. " Jockeying, or sarcasm, often subtle, meaning in the words, do not point. From the sprout of Spring and Autumn period, through the inheritance and evolution of Pre-Qin, Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties, to the prosperity of Tang Dynasty. The excellent language of Tang Dynasty plays a connecting role in the development and evolution of the excellent language of the previous dynasties and descendants. On the basis of inheriting the tradition of superior admonition from the previous generation, it changes the primitive and ancient language style of the predecessors and aggregates Hu Han. It shows an unprecedented attitude of confidence and Hong, focusing on the reflection of sarcasm in society, politics and real life. Not only the quantity and quality of excellent words have been greatly improved, but also the creation of subject matter, the system of speech, the situation of occurrence, the image of characters and so on are more abundant and substantial, reflecting the leap forward of artistic conception. Taking the Tang Dynasty excellent language in Ren Erbei's "Tang Dynasty Volume" as the main body of study, and in the writing attitude of "knowing people and discussing the world", this paper first makes a relatively clear position on the concept of "superior person" and its art. The social status of superior people in Tang Dynasty, especially the relation with emperors, is also discussed. In this period, the excellent language, inheriting the tradition of ancient excellent irony and remonstrating, takes the scene, person or matter as a play, plays casually, remonstrates with irony in humor, and serious in talking and laughing. The performance themes of Tang Dynasty's excellent words can be roughly divided into two categories: sarcastic admonition and laughter. Satirical admonitions are mostly used to criticize the current politics, satirize the absurd behavior of imperial courtiers, and laugh at the ridiculous people in real life, the absurd things as the point of utterance, and make fun of them casually. Make a man laugh, for a man to laugh. The dominant skill of excellent art is not the art of language. On the basis of inheriting the antics tradition of the former generation, the excellent language of Tang Dynasty is characterized by satirical humor and rich suggestive function throughout the whole Tang Dynasty, thus making the excellent language perform by drinking and laughing. Gradually develop into a comedy performance. The excellent language of the Tang Dynasty is composed of language, literature and comedy. It not only obeys the vocal and rhythmic words of the language, but also follows the visual thinking and comparison of literature, even analogy, metaphor, exaggeration, and so on, and it also has the comical and playful nature of comedy. And in the long-term practice process gradually formed with the characteristics of the times language art.


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