发布时间:2018-10-14 12:26
【摘要】:《摩经》是学界公认的布依族传统宗教经典。唐宋以来,在汉文化影响下的布依族人创造性地运用汉字音韵和偏旁部首,记录原有布依族传统宗教的《经词》,以此作为祭师“布摩”先生在宗教仪式中唱诵的经书,从而传承了布依族历史文化,这些转录的经书被称为《摩经》。它集中反映了布依族先民对日月星辰、天地山川、先祖神圣、古代氏族的观念与社会生活实际,不仅具有宗教学史料意义,而且对语言学、人类学、历史学、民族科技、文学艺术等学科也有极高的学术价值。 著者经过长期艰苦细致的调查研究,,深入边远山区收集拍摄了经书原文图片,并在当地农村根据“布摩”先生的念诵与解释,对经文逐字逐句进行布依语国际音标注音、汉语直译、意译和注释,总共破译了《摩经》达四部之多,并调查记录了布依族第三土语词汇达10923个词汇。布依语词汇前人调查的词量不多。超过一万个词汇的调查,在布依语调查中是第一次。一方面保存语料,另一方面从一万多个词汇中发现了许多《摩经》书目。例如[pe13kn11]供祖宗的神龛;[pu42mu33]祭师;[mu33ku13cie55]《古夜王经》;[mu33zu13fαn42o]《稻谷魂经》;[mu33tu42in11]《祭铜鼓经》等等;还参加了三次布依族用牛祭祖的隆重宗教仪式,拍摄了使用《摩经》祭祖的实景图片;从而拓展了《摩经》语言文化的语料范围。由此,著者采用自己调查所得的大量第一手资料,按照记音与译文转写,分析其语音的声、韵、调系统,认真参考前人研究成果,结合布依族实际对《摩经》语言文化的若干专题进行了深入细致的研究与考证,充分展现了布依族文化个性特征与中华民族文化的共性特征,丰富了祖国的文化宝库。
[Abstract]:Mosutra is recognized by scholars as the classic of the Buyi traditional religion. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, the Buyi people under the influence of the Han culture have creatively used Chinese characters, rhyme and radical to record the Classical words of the original Buyi traditional religion, which is used as the scripture of the sacrifice teacher "Bumo" during the religious ceremony. Thus inheriting the history and culture of the Buyi nationality, these transcribed scriptures are called Mosutra. It mainly reflects the ancient Buyi people's views on the sun, moon and stars, heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, ancestors' sacredness, the ancient clan's concept and the reality of social life. It is not only of religious historical significance, but also of linguistics, anthropology, history, and national science and technology. Literature and art and other disciplines also have very high academic value. After a long period of painstaking investigation and study, the author went deep into the remote mountain areas to collect and take pictures of the original texts of the scriptures, and in the local countryside, according to Mr. Bumore's recitation and interpretation, the text was annotated verbatim by the Buyi International phonetic Alphabet. In Chinese literal translation, free translation and annotation, a total of four motifs have been deciphered, and 10923 words in the third native language of Buyi have been recorded. The number of words in Buyi vocabulary is not much. More than 10,000 words were surveyed for the first time in the Buyi survey. On the one hand, the preservation of the corpus, on the other hand from more than 10,000 words found a lot of the book. For example, [pe13kn11] shrines for ancestors; [pu42mu33] priests; [mu33ku13cie55] < the King's Classic of Ancient Night; [mu33zu13f 伪 n 42o] < the Paddy Soul Scripture >; [mu33tu42in11] < sacrificing the Bronze Drum Scriptures > and so on; Thus expanding the scope of the language and culture of Mosutra. As a result, the author, using a large number of first-hand data obtained from his own investigation, analyzed the phonetic sound, rhyme, and tone system of his voice according to the transcription and translation, and carefully referred to the previous research results. Combined with the actual situation of Buyi nationality, this paper makes a thorough and meticulous study and textual research on some special topics of language and culture in Mosui, which fully shows the common characteristics of Buyi culture and Chinese national culture, and enriches the cultural treasure house of the motherland.
[Abstract]:Mosutra is recognized by scholars as the classic of the Buyi traditional religion. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, the Buyi people under the influence of the Han culture have creatively used Chinese characters, rhyme and radical to record the Classical words of the original Buyi traditional religion, which is used as the scripture of the sacrifice teacher "Bumo" during the religious ceremony. Thus inheriting the history and culture of the Buyi nationality, these transcribed scriptures are called Mosutra. It mainly reflects the ancient Buyi people's views on the sun, moon and stars, heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, ancestors' sacredness, the ancient clan's concept and the reality of social life. It is not only of religious historical significance, but also of linguistics, anthropology, history, and national science and technology. Literature and art and other disciplines also have very high academic value. After a long period of painstaking investigation and study, the author went deep into the remote mountain areas to collect and take pictures of the original texts of the scriptures, and in the local countryside, according to Mr. Bumore's recitation and interpretation, the text was annotated verbatim by the Buyi International phonetic Alphabet. In Chinese literal translation, free translation and annotation, a total of four motifs have been deciphered, and 10923 words in the third native language of Buyi have been recorded. The number of words in Buyi vocabulary is not much. More than 10,000 words were surveyed for the first time in the Buyi survey. On the one hand, the preservation of the corpus, on the other hand from more than 10,000 words found a lot of the book. For example, [pe13kn11] shrines for ancestors; [pu42mu33] priests; [mu33ku13cie55] < the King's Classic of Ancient Night; [mu33zu13f 伪 n 42o] < the Paddy Soul Scripture >; [mu33tu42in11] < sacrificing the Bronze Drum Scriptures > and so on; Thus expanding the scope of the language and culture of Mosutra. As a result, the author, using a large number of first-hand data obtained from his own investigation, analyzed the phonetic sound, rhyme, and tone system of his voice according to the transcription and translation, and carefully referred to the previous research results. Combined with the actual situation of Buyi nationality, this paper makes a thorough and meticulous study and textual research on some special topics of language and culture in Mosui, which fully shows the common characteristics of Buyi culture and Chinese national culture, and enriches the cultural treasure house of the motherland.
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