[Abstract]:This article chooses "Huo, re, and" from the common adverbs in modern Chinese as the object of study. One is "Huanghui" in Chinese, and the other is "using" (?) in Korean. Therefore, students often make mistakes when they use "return, and again"; second, "return, second, and again" is used very frequently in Chinese, but the semantics and syntax of these three words are very complicated, although they have been learned from the initial stage. However, middle-and-advanced Chinese level students will still use the error. In view of the above reasons, I analyze the errors caused by Korean students' use of "return, again, again". The first chapter is the introduction. We summarize the significance and research object of the topic, introduce the research methods and ideas, and briefly explain the source of the corpus. At the same time, it briefly summarizes and reviews the existing research results on the repetitive meaning of "also, again, and again". Chapter two deals with the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic aspects of return, re-and-re. First of all, after defining the definition of repetition in this paper, we define the definition of "return, again, and" repetition meaning, and analyze the semantic background of "return, again, again" in subjective objectivity, periodicity and semantic direction. Then there is an investigation of the syntactic features of "return, again, and again": first explain the position of "return, again," with the verb quantity complement, the verb result complement, the verb reduplication, and the auxiliary verb when they are used in conjunction with the modified verb sexual component, and then the verb quantity complement, the verb result complement, the verb reduplication, and the auxiliary verb. Then it explains the position of mood adverb, time adverb, scope adverb and negative adverb when they are used together with "return, again," and finally analyzes the difference between "return, again, again" in declarative sentence, question sentence and imperative sentence. The third chapter investigates and analyzes the errors caused by Korean students' use of "return, again, again". The test paper designed by me takes 80 Korean students from Shandong University as the research object. It can be divided into two types: one is a multiple-choice question with three options for each topic, and the other is a Chinese-Korean translation question, which translates seven Korean sentences into Chinese. Firstly, the errors in the process of repeated adverb "return, again, again" are analyzed separately in the whole and different grades. Then, through the statistical results collected, we analyze the false generation of "return" and "re", the misgeneration of "re" and "re", the misgeneration of "return" and "re", and the wrong order in sentences. Finally, according to the above analysis, the causes of errors are: negative transfer of mother tongue, learning strategies and learners' own ability. The fourth chapter is how to design the teaching of "also, again, again" for adult learners whose mother tongue is Korean and Chinese level is intermediate. The aim of the teaching is to develop the students' ability to use the repetition adverb "return, again, and again" correctly, to make students understand the syntactic features of "return, again, and again", and to help students master the use of sentence patterns. Then the teaching steps are designed according to the lecture schedule, which are divided into three sections: introduction, development (including description, use and practice) and arrangement (including summary and assignment). In the conclusion, I summarize the main points of this paper and point out the shortcomings of this study.
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