[Abstract]:Fuzziness is one of the attributes of natural language. "fuzziness" and "precision" exist in opposition. The fuzziness of language is the essential attribute of language development and change. The introduction of fuzzy theory opens a new window for the development of linguistics and literature. It also provides a very meaningful perspective for the study of rhetoric. Fuzzy rhetoric is an interdisciplinary subject formed by the combination of fuzzy theory and rhetoric, and it is a branch of rhetoric. Fuzziness rhetoric mainly studies the function of fuzzy language, that is, the positive expression effect produced by the use of fuzzy language. On the basis of fuzzy theory, from the starting point of fuzzy rhetoric and from the angle of fuzzy rhetoric, this paper studies the application of fuzzy language in Tang poetry, and analyzes the unique role of fuzzy language in the expression and lyricism of Tang poetry. Combined with the historical and cultural background of Tang Dynasty, this paper analyzes the application of fuzzy rhetoric in Tang poetry and its unique expressive effect. By systematically combing, analyzing and summarizing the phenomenon of fuzzy rhetoric in Tang poetry, it is concluded that the use of fuzzy language in Tang poetry is manifested in three aspects: fuzzy words, fuzzy figures of speech and fuzzy text. Each of these three aspects is discussed in a chapter, and with sufficient examples, the artistic value of each kind of vague language and its realization is analyzed concretely. Then, the paper analyzes the rhetorical effect of Tang poetry in fuzzy rhetoric. The author's choice of fuzzy rhetoric is a positive and dynamic process, and the choice of different fuzzy rhetoric means. Limited by the expression of the poem itself. Tang poetry through the use of three fuzzy language, mainly realized the vivid function, implicit function and aesthetic function.
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