[Abstract]:Conflict is a state of conflict or controversy between groups or individuals caused by differences of opinion, interest, principle, purpose, etc. Conflicting utterance refers to the adversarial speech acts and speech events in which the communicative parties are subject to different opinions, positions, etc., such as arguments, quarrels, objections, rebuttal and so on. Conflict discourse is a common phenomenon in daily life. Conflict discourse has both constructive and destructive aspects, and its influencing factors are mainly the background of conflict discourse and the way of dealing with it. Conflict discourse is destructive if both parties are not satisfied with the result. If the conflict discourse ends with a desired result and the conflict discourse plays a positive role in the development of the relationship between the two parties, the conflict discourse is constructive. Constructive conflict discourse plays an important role in interpersonal relations. It puts existing problems on the agenda and helps people get rid of bad emotions and learn more about each other. Most of the researches on conflict discourse have studied the conflict discourse in Chinese and English separately, while the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis are adopted in this paper. Based on the summarization, analysis and summary of the conflicting discourse data in the War of Defense of Marriage and the desperate Housewives, this paper tries to conclude the structural pattern of the conflicting discourse in order to study the structural characteristics of the conflicting discourse from a broader perspective. Under the framework of Kilmann and Thomas's theory of conflict discourse processing, this paper makes an empirical study under the support of "Marriage Defense" and "desperate Housewives", and probes into the specific context and strategies of various processing methods. This paper studies how to deal constructively with conflicting discourse. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, this paper draws the following conclusions: 1. Conflict discourse presents three stages of structural pattern: initial stage, conflict stage and end stage. In the initial stage, the structural pattern of the conflicting discourse can be summed up as a three-step sequence prototype: trigger event-the first opposition wheel-the second opposition wheel, in the conflict stage, the opposition step is mainly divided into two types: controversial and non-cooperative. The end stage of conflict discourse is divided into four modes: subservient mode, compromise mode, exit mode and third party intervention mode; 2. Conflict discourse can be divided into five types: avoidance, compliance, competition, compromise and cooperation. There are a variety of specific processing strategies under various types. The core of constructive treatment of conflict discourse is to use the types and strategies of processing flexibly to achieve the purpose. In this paper, two hypotheses are obtained: 1. Conflict discourse in Chinese prefers to use exit strategy to end conflict discourse, and conflict discourse in English tends to solve problems strongly. This paper summarizes the hypothetical reasons, namely, the influence of American weak context (low-context) and Chinese strong context (high-context); 2. Compared with Chinese women, American women are more competitive and dominant in the conflict discourse resolution between husband and wife. The influence of Confucianism has exerted great influence on the orientation of Chinese women, which is the main reason for the formation of this hypothesis.
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