[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the syntactic and semantic features of Chinese focus marker "even". The theories studied in this paper are mainly based on Chomsky's "reduction theory" and "bare pole theory" (; KarttunenPeters (1979) and Rooth's "vocabulary theory" (1985). This paper mainly solves the following three problems: 1. What is the syntactic position of "even" in the "even verb phrase" structure? 2. How does the information structure of "even verb phrase" structure reflect? 3. What semantic features does "even" contain in Chinese? This paper mainly analyzes the syntactic position of "even" in the structure of "even verb phrase", which does not involve any shift, and the focus is contained in the scope of "even". In this paper, the "even" in "even verb phrase" is considered to occupy the position of the focus phrase center, because its focus feature is not strong, so it will not cause any component shift. The focus of "even" must be m- dominated. In the discussion of the illegitimate structure of "even the verb phrase", but the "lien-du" verb phrase, it is analyzed that "Lian", as a focus marker, cannot be used independently and "both"; "even" is different from "Lian" and can be used directly with "du". This paper holds that in the structure of "even the verb phrase", "du" is the central word of the focus phrase, and "even" as an adverb phrase is attached to the deixis of the focus phrase with "du" as the central word. In "even verb phrase" structure, the focus needs to be reflected by stress, and the focus cannot be judged structurally. This paper proposes that the focus of this structure should belong to the information focus. This focus, as the most prominent part of the sentence, is characterized by "highlight". The focal point marked by "even" usually leads to polar meaning. Even can appear in both positive and negative sentences. The position of pragmatic polarity is related to its environment. In positive sentences, the focus of "even" usually lies at the bottom of polarity; In negative sentences, because negative words have the function of reversal of polarity, no matter whether "even" appears in the main sentence or clause, the focus of "even" is shifted from the bottom to the top. By comparison, the author thinks that the theory of domain is more suitable for interpretation of "even". The syntactic structure of "even" provides the possibility for cross-linguistic study of "even" and "Akomi ke" in Greek. "even" and "Akomi ke" belong to additional focus markers, but there are many semantic differences. By contrasting and analyzing the similarities and differences between the two focus markers, this paper finally comes to the semantic logic of "even" in Chinese.
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