[Abstract]:Proverbs condense the wisdom and experience of a nation. Chinese and Korean proverbs have rich cultural connotations, which are both different and related. Therefore, the comprehensive analysis of Chinese and Korean proverbs from different angles is of great significance and value. The purpose of this paper is to make a contrastive study of Chinese and Korean "discourse behavior" proverbs from various angles, to explore their similarities and differences, and the reasons for these differences, in the hope that through the comparison of Chinese and Korean "discourse behavior" proverbs, we can reveal Chinese and Chinese. The similarities and differences in speech psychology between Korean and Korean can help Korean students in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. In this paper, 103 Chinese proverbs of "discourse behavior" and 80 cases of Korean proverbs of "discourse behavior" are selected, and the principle of literal translation and then free translation of Korean proverbs is adopted. Literal translation preserves the original appearance and features of Korean proverbs, and through free translation to facilitate readers' understanding, it tries to make a comparative study with Chinese proverbs objectively. This paper is divided into three parts: the first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the reasons of the topic, the research status of proverbs, the research methods, contents and significance of this paper. The second chapter is the main chapters of this paper, respectively from the definition of discourse behavior proverbs, the corresponding situation of Chinese and Korean proverbs in logical semantics. This paper compares the corresponding situation of Chinese and Korean synonymous proverbs with the rhetorical methods of Chinese and Korean utterance behavior proverbs in order to make a more accurate comparative study from many angles. The third chapter summarizes the characteristics of the Chinese and Korean "discourse behavior" proverbs, and analyzes the cultural customs hidden behind the two proverbs. And through the cultural customs to discuss the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language should pay attention to the problems.
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