[Abstract]:The second volume of declaration is a translation theory accumulated and summarized by Tibetan ancient scholars on the basis of nearly 100 years of translation practice, which was formed in the early 9th century when Tibetan Zan Pu Chi de Songzan period. The development of any nation is inseparable from drawing lessons from and absorbing the excellent culture of other nationalities. Learning from each other not only enriches each other's culture, but also promotes their common development. With the development and progress of the times, the Tibetan translation industry ushered in a period of vigorous development. At the same time, with the continuous development of translation practice and the expansion of the field of content, the further summarization and refinement of translation theories and practical methods has become an urgent problem that needs to be enriched and solved. In short, the second volume of the Declaration is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of Tibetan translators in ancient times and sparkles with the light of thought. Even today, when science and culture are changing with each passing day, it still has an important historical position and practical significance. Every translator can draw rich nutrition from it. Only by studying and grasping the thought theory of forefathers can we improve our own accomplishment qualitatively, not just in mechanical and even formulaic workflow. This thesis focuses on this, combining the theoretical essence of the second volume of the main points of declaration, and expounding the problems existing in the practice of modern Chinese-Tibetan translation from three aspects. The first chapter mainly expounds the creative background, main content and significance of the second volume of declaration, and focuses on the comparative analysis of the exposition and concrete translation practice of the second volume of declaration by many scholars of future generations. In this paper, the author abstracts the part of the second volume of the Declaration which has guiding significance to the practice of Chinese-Tibetan translation, and combines it with the contemporary translation practice, and sums up the theoretical and technical points that translators should pay attention to in order to improve the quality of translation. The second chapter is the focus of this paper, which mainly analyzes the relationship between Tibetan translation theory and practice. On the basis of the theoretical essentials discussed in the first chapter, This paper probes into the relationship between the second volume of declaration and the later Tibetan translation theory and the relationship between the translation theory of the second volume of declaration and the practice of Tibetan translation. Famous scholars such as Sakya Banzhi da Gengajian, Zhang Jiarubiduoji, Gendun Qun Pei, Duan Zhijia and others learned from and inherited the essence of the theory of "Declaration essentials II" in the process of translation. And in practice further enriched and developed the relevant theory and skills. Therefore, in the face of the rapid development of society and the reality of knowledge explosion, the translator should carry out translation work with a sense of responsibility for the society and a love of the national culture. The third chapter summarizes the contents of the first and second chapters, and aims at the reality and the urgent need of the development of Chinese-Tibetan translation in view of the rapid development of various disciplines. It is proposed that we should not only inherit the excellent translation theory of our own nation, which is represented by the second volume of the declaration, but also absorb advanced translation theories at home and abroad, so that the contents of the second volume of the declaration can be enriched and complete. Make it serve the Tibetan translation cause today.
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