[Abstract]:In recent years, with the strengthening of China's national strength and the improvement of its international status, more and more attention has been paid to the Chinese language, which has formed a "Chinese craze" in the world. In South Korea, the mania has prompted more Korean high school students to choose Chinese as their second foreign language. However, due to the establishment of the Korean education syllabus, Chinese is a second foreign language, which is far less important than the main class. Therefore, Korean students mainly use classroom time to learn Chinese, and spend little time on learning Chinese. The continuity of study is greatly affected, and the problem of students' forgetting is serious. In view of this situation, based on the previous studies, this paper makes a comprehensive use of questionnaire, interview and statistical analysis, taking 110 senior high school students in Jinquan, South Korea, as the objects of investigation, and carries out an investigation and research on their Chinese learning status. The author finds that: first, Korean high school students are more and more interested in learning Chinese, but because Chinese is a second foreign language, its importance is far less important than the main class, so Korean students mainly use classroom time to learn Chinese. Very little time is spent on learning Chinese. Second, most students use textbooks as the main teaching material to learn Chinese, but in a very short time, it is not easy to master what they have learned. Therefore, teachers should pay more attention to the practicability of content and the effectiveness of methods. Thirdly, most students are interested in music, so teaching songs in Chinese classroom can enliven classroom atmosphere and enhance students' interest in learning. Based on the above investigation results, the author explores the methods of using songs to teach Chinese on the basis of the comprehensive consideration of the requirements of Korean education syllabus, the continuity of study, and the students' forgetting. First of all, from the phonological, lexical, grammatical and cultural perspectives, the Korean Chinese textbook < Chinese I > is analyzed. Secondly, through the methods of questionnaire and interview, we can understand the students' Chinese proficiency, master their learning difficulties, and their preference for song types. Finally, the song is selected and adapted according to the information. The application of the song in Chinese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and culture is introduced in detail.
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