[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinese economy and the continuous improvement of China's status, many countries have set off a craze for learning Chinese. Mongolia also set off a "Chinese craze". According to my own teaching experience in Mongolia, according to the investigation, the author found that the Chinese test of Mongolian primary school has the advantages of strong pertinence and high practicability. The intensive training of Chinese characters and words makes the students' Chinese character memorizing ability higher and sentence making ability. The enhancement of idiom and recitation ability makes students form a certain sense of Chinese language. However, there are still some problems, such as weak validity, single written test, inflexible oral test and so on. In view of the above problems, the author puts forward some countermeasures to improve the Chinese grade test of Mongolian and Chinese primary school, and improves the reliability of the test. Validity, can be conducted listening and grammar content based on the weekly test; Expanding the proportion and the score of applying the question type in the examination; In order to make the achievement test and the level test connect each other, emphasize the importance of grammar teaching and set up grammar course earlier so that the students can express in Chinese according to grammar rules, and add special listening test to the Chinese test; Combining language knowledge with language competence, examining the same content in a more flexible form, adding reading comprehension questions to the written exam accordingly, the oral examination should enable students to recompile themselves with the learned dialogue. Inspire students' innovative ability and apply the knowledge they have learned. In order to make the test an opportunity for students to correct their mistakes, the author hopes that this paper will be helpful to the development of the Chinese grade test in Mongolian and Chinese primary schools. It is helpful for students to master Chinese better and to make their own efforts in the international promotion of Chinese.
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