[Abstract]:This paper applies the theory of values at the individual level of Schwartz, the two-dimensional cultural adaptation strategy model of Berry and the result of sociocultural adaptation and psychological adaptation of Ward to combine values with cross-cultural adaptation. Taking the foreign teachers and foreign students in China as the research subjects, questionnaire survey and quantitative analysis as the main research methods, this paper makes a preliminary exploration on the relationship between values and intercultural adaptive attitudes and results. This research mainly includes three parts: forecast test, test 1 and test 2. In the pre-test, English questionnaires containing values, intercultural adaptation attitudes, cross-cultural adaptation results and personal information were distributed to foreigners in China. It was found that the values scale was too long and complicated, and the preliminary analysis showed that the cross-cultural adaptation attitude scale and the adaptation result scale showed high reliability. Informal interviews show that skin color has a certain impact on the adaptation of foreigners in China. In test one, after revising the values scale and personal information questions, the questionnaire was further distributed to foreign teachers in China. The analysis showed that each scale showed high reliability, and the conservative (conservation) in values was negatively correlated with the attitude of cultural adoption of (cultural adoption) and the result of sociocultural adaptation (sociocultural adaptation) in cross-cultural adaptation. (cultural adoption) was negatively correlated with the result of sociocultural adaptation (sociocultural adaptation) and positively correlated with the result of psychological adaptation (psychological adaptation). In order to further verify the results of test 1, in test 2, questionnaires were distributed to foreign students in Shanghai. Because of the limitations of the English proficiency of most of the subjects surveyed, the reliability of each scale was lower than that of test 1. Therefore, the future research can limit the nationality of the subjects. For the first time, this study combines Schwartz's personal value theory with cross-cultural adaptation, which makes up for the gap in cross-cultural adaptation and provides a new perspective for cross-cultural adaptation. At the same time, it extends the application of Schwartz's personal level value theory.
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