[Abstract]:The interpersonal function theory in systemic functional grammar has attracted much attention of scholars in recent years. From the initial tone, modality to Martin's evaluation, the lexical grammatical continuum has been formed and the theoretical framework of interpersonal meaning has been continuously improved. At present, most of the researches on the interpersonal meaning of advertising discourse focus on English advertisements, but less on Chinese advertisements, and even less on Chinese drug advertisements. Drug advertising is ubiquitous in everyday life. Therefore, based on the interpersonal function of Halliday's systemic functional grammar and Martin's evaluation theory, this paper analyzes the interpersonal significance of Chinese drug advertisements from five aspects: mood, modality, attitude, intervention and classification. In this paper, 50 Chinese drug advertisements are collected from newspapers and TV channels and studied in detail by qualitative analysis. It is found that Chinese drug advertising has its own characteristics. Firstly, in the aspect of mood, declarative mood is the largest, imperative tone and exclamatory mood are the second, and interrogative tone is the least. These mood structures have not only the function of giving information, but also the function of behavior requirement. Second, in the aspect of modality, drug advertisers focus on the low value of possibility modality and willing modality, and deliberately lower their position to communicate with potential consumers in order to get recognition. Third, in terms of attitude, appreciation is the highest frequency, followed by emotion, judgment is the least. Appreciation is more positive and explicit words to describe drugs, positive words tend to arouse consumers' desire to buy. When expressing emotion, there are both positive and negative words. It is easy to form a sharp contrast between using negative words before taking medicine and positive words after taking medicine, so as to strengthen the persuasion of drugs. Fourthly, in the aspect of intervention, the drug advertisement is mainly reflected by single sound, but the proper use of multi-tone can increase the reliability of drugs. Fifth, in terms of classification, drug advertisers are mainly expressed in terms of power in speech and vagueness in focus. Strong expressions can win the trust of potential consumers, while the use of vague words reduces the responsibility of advertisers, which is deceptive but attractive to consumers. This paper attempts to explore the interpersonal significance of Chinese drug advertising, aiming to expand the application of interpersonal function in the field of advertising. At the same time, this paper reveals the characteristics of drug advertising, and explores how drug advertisers interact with potential consumers and finally persuade consumers to buy drugs. The study not only provides advice for writing drug advertisements, but also helps potential consumers identify the authenticity of drug advertisements.
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