[Abstract]:Taking some grammatical categories in Longhui dialect as the research object, this paper mainly describes the special grammatical phenomena which are different from the peripheral dialects or the common language. On the basis of the description, the author tries to make a horizontal and vertical comparative study. In order to reveal the grammatical characteristics of Longhui dialect, this paper probes into the features of lexicon, stylistic expression, special word order and sentence pattern in order to reveal the grammatical features of Longhui dialect. The full text is divided into five chapters: chapter one, introduction. This paper briefly introduces the human geography, history and language use of Longhui County, as well as the current research situation of Longhui dialect, the research object, significance and method of this paper. The second chapter is the study of lexicon. This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the appending and overlapping forms of nouns, the second part introduces the adjunctive forms and overlapping forms of adjectives; In the third part, the adverbs are divided into six categories: scope adverbs, degree adverbs, time adverbs, negative adverbs, modal adverbs and modal adverbs, which are different from the surrounding dialects and Putonghua. The third chapter, body appearance expression, Longhui dialect body appearance is divided into: completion, experience, continuous, carry on, continue, first, initial and short-term, try, repeat, random and other four kinds of appearance. The paper mainly describes the markers and distribution of various styles and compares the related aspect markers. Chapter four studies the special word order and sentence pattern. This part mainly discusses two parts: special word order and several special sentence patterns. This paper makes a thorough discussion on the "Ba", "Dan" and "eat" sentences of Longhui dialect. Chapter V, concluding remarks. This paper summarizes the basic conclusions and existing problems of this study, and expounds some thoughts about the research in this paper.
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