[Abstract]:Xinjiang is a microcosm of the pattern of "a pluralistic and integral whole of the Chinese nation." in the long-term historical process, Xinjiang has formed a pattern of ethnic groups that are different from each other and have the same ethnic pattern in the long process of history. By comparing the motivation of the development of Chinese and Uyghur taste words, comparing the cognitive characteristics of categorization of Chinese and Uyghur vocabulary concepts, and comparing the extended features of Chinese and Uyghur taste words, this paper discusses the differences of Chinese and Uyghur ways of thinking from point to face. It is pointed out that the Han nationality tends to be based on the concrete mode of thinking with no distinction between the subject and the object, and the Uygur people tend to the abstract logical thinking mode of separating the subject and the object.
【作者单位】: 新疆师范大学国际文化交流学院;新疆大学人文学院;
【基金】:新疆师范大学博士启动基金项目“伊斯兰教对维吾尔族思维方式及思维逻辑的影响”(XJNUBS1008)的阶段性成果 新疆师范大学博士学科支撑点的经费资助
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