[Abstract]:Net name is a kind of special language phenomenon, which has the possibility to reveal the language culture condition and development trend. Many linguists attach great importance to this special language phenomenon and give great attention to it. The former research results are analyzed and discussed, and the Chinese and western net names are compared and analyzed comprehensively. From the linguistic point of view, the Chinese and Western net names are explained separately. The different languages and cultures lead to the different language forms of the Chinese and Western net names, and the language forms of the Chinese net names show diversity and intuition. The language form of the western net name shows singleness and obscurity. There are certain differences in the linguistic features of different forms of language. Based on the systematic analysis of the sociological characteristics of the Chinese and Western net names, this paper compares the two from the angle of sociology, and concludes the same social and cultural psychology and the different social and cultural psychology. The same social and cultural psychology includes popular elements, emotional expression, self-consciousness and classicism, while the social and cultural psychology of different Chinese and western net names includes the pursuit of beauty, the creation of new ideas, and the concealment of identity. From the sociolinguistic point of view, this paper discusses the influence of gender, age, education, culture and language on the naming of Chinese and Western Internet names. After comparative analysis, it is found that different countries, different nationalities, different groups, different social levels, different cultural literacy, and different language structures will make the Chinese and Western net names differ in naming form. Here is the focus and innovation that you want to express.
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