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发布时间:2019-03-14 14:29
【摘要】:本文在已有研究基础上,从意义出发,对现代汉语“在”字句进行了比较全面的分类,并进行了汉英对比研究,以期找出其差异的原因,并用于对外汉语教学。 全文共有五个章节。 第一章着重说明:选题的意义,研究方法和研究范围。此外对文中使用的符号和语料来源作了说明。 第二章:汉语“在”字句研究综述。本章中回顾了介词“在”研究的历史和现状,,也总结了过去研究所取得的成果,并指出有待研究的问题。作者认为过去的研究虽有成绩,但是研究还不够全面,还存在一些值得研究的问题。特别是英汉对比方面,要探讨的问题还很多。 第三章:根据“在”字短语在英汉两种语言中表示的意义,把“在”字句分为三种不同的类型。(1)类,“在”字短语位于句中表示动作或者事件发生的场所、地点;(2)类,“在”字短语用来表示动作或者事件发生的时间;(3)类,“在”字短语用来表示动作或者事件发生的背景。之后,从“在”字短语在英汉两种语言中所处的位置不同,来分析形成这些差异的原因。主要有两个方面,思维方式不同,英语是形合语言、汉语是意合语言。 第四章:对英汉语“在”字句教学要注意的问题。在考察英语状语的基础上对介词短语的位置进行了对比,并指出了外国人学汉语过程中所产生的负迁移问题。 第五章:总结归纳了本文的创新点和不足之处,并为今后的研究指明方向。
[Abstract]:On the basis of the existing research, this paper makes a comprehensive classification of the "in" of modern Chinese from the point of view, and makes a comparative study of Chinese and English, in order to find out the reason of the difference and to be used in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. The full text has five chapters The first chapter focuses on the meaning, the research method and the research of the topic. The scope of the study. In addition, the symbols used and the source of the corpus are used. The second chapter: Chinese "in" characters In this chapter, the history and present situation of the "in" of prepositions are reviewed, and the achievements of the past research institutes are also summarized, and the results are pointed out. The author thinks that the research in the past has been successful, but the research is not comprehensive, and there are some merit points. The subject of research, especially in English and Chinese. The third chapter: according to the meaning of the word phrase in the two languages of English and Chinese, it is divided into two words: of three different types. (1) Class, where the word is located in a place where an action or event occurs, a place; (2) a class, in which the word is used to represent the time the action or event occurs; (3) a class, in which the word is used to represent action or The background of the event. Then, from the position of the "in" phrase in the two languages of English and Chinese, the formation of the event is analyzed. The reason for these differences is that there are two ways in which the way of thinking is different, and the English is in the form of a language. Chinese is an Italian language. Chapter 4: Chinese "in" of Chinese and English On the basis of the study of the English language, the position of the preposition phrase is compared, and the Chinese course of the foreign study is pointed out. The fifth chapter is to sum up the innovation points and shortcomings of this paper.


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