[Abstract]:Idiom is an idiom often used by Chinese people in their daily life. They use idioms to express what they want to say succinctly, and idioms can express the feelings and values of the speaker. In communication, speakers often use idioms to express their intentions, but if foreign students do not have a thorough grasp of idioms, they will encounter difficulties in understanding them and will not be able to communicate normally. Therefore, idiom teaching is a part that can not be ignored in Chinese as a foreign language. For Korean students, the ultimate goal of learning Chinese is to cultivate their Chinese communication ability, and the correct use of idioms can precisely reflect the learners' Chinese communication ability, so in order to achieve this ultimate goal, Korean students should learn idioms. Middle and senior Korean students who learn Chinese have already learned idioms, but their level of mastery of idioms is not high. Therefore, through the investigation of middle and senior Korean students, this paper analyzes the situation of their acquisition of idioms and gives Korean students the right medicine for the teaching of idioms by Chinese teachers. From the acquisition of idioms in middle and senior Korean students, we can see that they usually learn idioms, their interest in learning idioms, and the length of time they study in China, which affect their ability to acquire idioms. Therefore, in order to promote students to acquire idioms, this paper chooses the whole dictation method on the basis of traditional idiom teaching method. This is to enhance students' interest and desire to learn, as well as to provide many opportunities for input and output of Chinese idioms. The first chapter discusses the significance of this topic, research status, research content and methods as well as research scope. The second chapter summarizes the definition, semantic features, structural features and pragmatic features of idioms obtained from the literature, and uses the method of contrastive analysis to analyze the differences between idioms and other idioms and to determine their characteristics. The third chapter is the investigation of idiom acquisition of middle and senior Korean students, the investigation and analysis of teachers' idiom teaching. Through the questionnaire survey of students, we can find out the situation of students' acquisition of Chinese idioms and the elements that affect the learning idioms, and find out the idiom teaching methods they often use through the questionnaire survey of teachers. The fourth chapter is to explore the idiom teaching method. According to the results of the third chapter, the author analyzes the idiom teaching method suitable for middle and senior Korean students. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. Summarize the content of this paper and put forward suggestions for follow-up research.
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