发布时间:2019-07-01 11:30
【摘要】:“语法化”概念是由法国语言学家Meillet在20世纪初首次提出。总的来说,迄今为止的语法化研究主要可以分为两大学派:生成主义的语法化研究和功能主义的语法化研究。这两大学派在语法化的概念、动因、机制等方面持有不同的观点。注重共时研究的结构主义在20世纪语言学领域内占据主导,受其影响,大多数的语法化研究均从共时的角度出发,认为语法化研究可从个案出发从而推导出普遍适用的原则,因而历时角度的研究没有受到应有的重视。 然而,自70年代末开始,历时角度的语法化研究又逐渐兴盛,很多语言学家开始以语法化为工具去分析一些从共时角度无法得到合理解释的语法现象。与此同时,系统功能语言学家Halliday提出了“语法隐喻”这一概念。澄清了词汇隐喻与语法隐喻的关系。他认为隐喻不仅可以发生在词汇层,也可以发生在(词汇)语法层,这两者并非不同的语法现象,而是同一现象的两个方面,都是我们赖以扩大语义来源以阐释人类经验的策略。语法隐喻进而被视为意义产生的工具。自此,不断发展的语法隐喻理论为解释很多复杂的语法现象提供了新的更为全面合理的视角。 这两种理论都以语言形式及结构的变化为研究对象,都试图找到导致语言发生变化背后的动因。因此,这两种理论之间必定有一定的理论相关性。以系统功能语言学为理论基础,论文将从语义生成的两个时间框架,即个体语言发展和种系语言进化的历时维度,探讨语法化和语法隐喻发生的动机、二者的本质及理论共同点。 经过论证,作者认为语法化的本质可以重新界定为词汇语法化——词汇语法系统在与语义系统互动下的进化和发展过程。词汇语法化的动因是施加于语言上的元功能需求和语义需求。在个体语言发展和种系语言进化的历程中,在元功能需求的推动下词汇语法层不断发展扩大着人类的意义潜势,词汇语法化是语义生成的过程;另一方面,语法隐喻是语义生成的工具,在个体语言发展和种系语言进化的过程中,人际隐喻和概念隐喻相继出现,语法隐喻发生的动机是日益增长的元功能需求和不断扩大的语义压力。隐喻化和去隐喻化共同作用于语法隐喻的形成和发展。综上所述,语法化在重新界定为词汇语法化后,被视为语义生成的过程,语法隐喻则是语义生成的工具。这两者都以语法和词汇的不可分割性为前提,有着相同的动因。通过此项研究,,我们对语言的进化和发展过程有了清晰的认识,语义并不是预先存在的现象,而是在个体语言发展和种系语言进化的过程中不断建构出来的。语言是一个三层次的社会符号系统,一个意义潜势不断扩大和丰富的语义生成过程。
[Abstract]:The concept of "grammaticalization" is first put forward by the French linguist, Meilet, in the early 20th century. In general, the study of the grammaticalization to date can be divided into two universities: the grammaticalization of the generative doctrine and the functionalism of the functionalism. The two universities have different views on the concept, the motivation and the mechanism of the grammaticalization. The structuralism of the study of the common time has taken the lead in the field of 20-century linguistics. At the end of the 1970s, however, the study of the grammaticalization of the diachronic angle was gradually flourishing, and many linguists began to use the grammaticalization as a tool to analyze the grammatical phenomenon that could not be reasonably explained. At the same time, Halliday, a systematic functional linguist, put forward the concept of "grammatical metaphor". It clarified the relation between the lexical metaphor and the grammatical metaphor. He thought that the metaphor could not only occur in the lexical level, but also in the (lexical) grammar layer, which is not a different grammatical phenomenon, but the two aspects of the same phenomenon... The two theories, both in the form of the language and the change of the structure, try to find the motivation behind the change of the language. Therefore, there must be some theoretical correlation between the two theories. Based on the systematic functional linguistics, the paper will study the two time frames of the semantic generation, namely, the development of the individual language and the diachronic dimension of the evolution of the language of the seed system, and explore the motive, the essence and the theory of both the grammar and the grammatical metaphor. In common, the author holds that the essence of grammaticalization can be redefined as the process of the evolution and development of the vocabulary grammar system under the interaction with the semantic system.
[Abstract]:The concept of "grammaticalization" is first put forward by the French linguist, Meilet, in the early 20th century. In general, the study of the grammaticalization to date can be divided into two universities: the grammaticalization of the generative doctrine and the functionalism of the functionalism. The two universities have different views on the concept, the motivation and the mechanism of the grammaticalization. The structuralism of the study of the common time has taken the lead in the field of 20-century linguistics. At the end of the 1970s, however, the study of the grammaticalization of the diachronic angle was gradually flourishing, and many linguists began to use the grammaticalization as a tool to analyze the grammatical phenomenon that could not be reasonably explained. At the same time, Halliday, a systematic functional linguist, put forward the concept of "grammatical metaphor". It clarified the relation between the lexical metaphor and the grammatical metaphor. He thought that the metaphor could not only occur in the lexical level, but also in the (lexical) grammar layer, which is not a different grammatical phenomenon, but the two aspects of the same phenomenon... The two theories, both in the form of the language and the change of the structure, try to find the motivation behind the change of the language. Therefore, there must be some theoretical correlation between the two theories. Based on the systematic functional linguistics, the paper will study the two time frames of the semantic generation, namely, the development of the individual language and the diachronic dimension of the evolution of the language of the seed system, and explore the motive, the essence and the theory of both the grammar and the grammatical metaphor. In common, the author holds that the essence of grammaticalization can be redefined as the process of the evolution and development of the vocabulary grammar system under the interaction with the semantic system.
相关期刊论文 前5条
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