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发布时间:2019-07-03 20:51
【摘要】:“有X无Y”结构在现代汉语中我们定义为存在对举格式,在现代汉语中它有自己独特的语义和语法意义,我们着重考察这个格式所具有的语义方面的内容,考察进入格式内的X和Y的性质和它们之间的关系。在考察其语法意义方面,主要从它的语法功能和构式语法的角度来分析。由于都是由“有”、“无”合成的格式,即同在存在动词对举格式这个范畴内,他们或多或少具有相关性。在搜集了很多语料的情况下,我们把“有X无Y”、“有X有Y”,“无X有Y”,“无X无Y”等格式放在同一范畴内,进行了定性和定量的广泛研究。 存在动词对举格式共包含四个:“有X无Y”、“有X有Y”、“无X有Y”和“无X无Y”。我们以“有X无Y”为基本考察对象,运用构式语法理论、认知语言学理论等对其进行综合研究。论文由五部分构成,分别如下: 第一章,概述前贤时彦对相关主题的研究成果,论述本论文的研究目的、意义、研究的内容和对象、研究方法和语料来源,提出了我们研究的方向和以期达到的研究目标。重点概览了前人的相关研究现状。 第二章,对“有X无Y”进行语义的全方位考察。重点考察了能够进入“有X无Y”格式的“X”、“Y”的性质特点,“X”和“Y”在进入格式前和进入格式后的关系,并对这种关系进行了认知语言学角度的解释。描写分析“有X无Y”格式的语义特点。 第三章,运用构式语法理论,把“有X无Y”看作一个构式语法单位,并对其作为构式单位的理据性进行了解释。探讨其作为构式单位具有的构式特点。构式义和词汇义是压制和反压制的关系,我们主要探讨构式对词汇义和词汇的压制方面。在构式语法分析的基础上,运用修辞构式来进一步分析“有X无Y”格式所具有的修辞构式义。 第四章,在存在动词对举格式这个范畴内比较分析“有X无Y”、“有X有Y”和“无X无Y”、“无X有Y”的关系。由于都是存在动词“有”和“无”构成的格式,所以我们从相同点和不同点的角度进行比较。 最后部分为结语,综述了论文研究取得的结果,并对论文欠缺部分提出思考。
[Abstract]:In modern Chinese, the "X is not Y" structure is defined as the existence of the opposite-to-one format. In modern Chinese, it has its own unique semantic and grammatical meaning. We focus on the content of the semantic aspects of this format, and look at the nature of X and Y in the format and the relation between them. In view of its grammatical meaning, it is mainly analyzed from its grammatical function and structure-based grammar. Because of the fact that it is composed of "have" and "No", that is, in the category of the verb-to-name format, they are more or less relevant. In the case of collecting a lot of materials, we put the formats of "X is not Y", "X has Y", "No X with Y", "No X and no Y" and so on in the same category and conduct a wide-ranging study on qualitative and quantitative. There are four: "X is not Y", "X has Y", "No X with Y", and

"No X and no Y" . We take the "X is not Y" as the basic research object, use the structure-based grammar theory, the cognitive linguistics theory and so on to make a comprehensive study on it. The paper is composed of five parts, such as In the first chapter, this paper gives an overview of the research results of the related subjects, and discusses the purpose, meaning, contents and objects of the research, the research methods and the sources of the materials, and puts forward the direction of our research and the research objectives with a view to achieving them. The second chapter is to investigate the "X is not Y" of the "X". The "Y" of the "X is not Y", the character of the "X", the relationship between the "Y" and the "X is not Y" before and after entering the format, and the explanation of the angle of the cognitive linguistics are given. In chapter 3, using the theory of structure-based grammar, this paper regards the "X is not Y" as a structure-type grammar unit and explains it as the basis of the structure-type unit. The structure of the structure-type unit is discussed. The structure-type and the lexical meaning are the relation between the pressing and the anti-pressing. The structure-type and the lexical meaning are the pressing aspects of the word meaning and the vocabulary. On the basis of the structure-based analysis, the rhetorical structure is used to further analyze the "X is not Y" format. In the fourth chapter, the relationship between the "X is not Y", the "X has Y" and the "No X and no Y" and the "No X with Y" is analyzed in the context of the existence of the verb-to-name format. Because of the existence of the format of the "have" and the "No" of the verb, we are from the same point and not The last part is the conclusion, and the results of the research are summarized.


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