本文关键词:浅谈龚贤山水画的静谧之美 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Gong Xian, as the head of the "eight Kingling families", had an important position and influence in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. His life was turbulent and wandering, but his paintings were intriguing. Not to be ignored. His landscape painting is famous for "Black Gong", but before this also experienced the simple, quiet "Bai Gong" period, Runze, quiet "Grey Gong" period, and finally is rich. Quiet "Black Gong" period. From these three periods we can see that Jing is the common feature of his landscape painting, such picture effect is composed of a variety of factors. In-depth study will find that his black Gong development. It is not for the sake of blackening to accumulate ink, but to depict the boundless mountains and rocks and the thick and moist trees through several times of ink deposition, and then to express the yearning and pursuit of one's heart. Gong Xian has been constantly exploring and practicing. This article is divided into four chapters, the first chapter, introduces Gong Xian's artistic life and creation environment. Gong Xian's life is tortuous. Life is difficult, this did not make him give up life, but to transfer to the creation of landscape scenery to express the feelings of the heart. Chapter two, respectively introduced the "Bai Gong". The characteristics of painting in three different periods of "Grey Gong" and "Black Gong" are discussed in accordance with the chronological order. Through the use of pen and ink to analyze the beauty of the beauty of Gong Xian landscape painting quiet characteristics. Chapter three introduces the causes of the beauty of Gong Xian quiet from the relationship between teachers the nature of learning the heart source and other aspects to discuss separately. Explained Gong Xian landscape painting quiet beauty causes. 4th chapter. Introduce Gong Xian landscape painting quiet beauty to contemporary landscape painting creation inspiration and how to inherit Gong Xian landscape techniques to develop and continue to develop the beauty of quiet. At the same time. Through appreciating Gong Xian's works, this paper analyzes the characteristics and causes of the tranquil beauty of landscape paintings in different periods by means of graphic and text comparison, and through consulting books. Collect materials and other ways to explore Gong Xian landscape painting inspiration to contemporary painters.
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