本文选题:汉字 切入点:书籍设计 出处:《东北师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the times, the new media gradually occupy the main audio-visual, books as the leading traditional media, how to stand firm has become the design practitioners pay close attention to and discuss the topic."what is the essence of book design", "what is the relationship between design ideas and design elements in book design" is always a question worth thinking about, and try to explore one by one in this paper.What is more important is to discuss tentatively how to apply the aesthetic value of Chinese characters to book design.In this paper, the author clarifies the aesthetic relationship between the development of Chinese characters and the design of books by a great deal of research, and discusses the dialectical relationship between the principle of Chinese character design and the practice of book design in detail by means of a typical case of book design.With the help of the aesthetic value of Chinese characters to influence and affect the design of books.This paper compares the evolution law of Chinese characters formed by the change of different dynasties with the contemporary book design, and finds the similar design forms and rules, and how to use them.There is no doubt that the discussion of these problems will have a certain positive significance and impetus to the book design field.Chinese characters have a long history and profound meaning. They assimilate the spirit of totem worship, deity worship, philosophical metaphysics and Chinese national culture, and form a profound accumulation in the long process of development.Therefore, Chinese characters are the expression of aesthetic and emotional art embodiment.The aesthetic value orientation and applied research of Chinese characters in book design are the emphases of this paper.From the angle of character structure, form and aesthetics of Chinese characters, it can be traced back to the initial design of Chinese characters, as well as the aesthetic value and unique charm of Chinese characters in the field of book design.For the contemporary Chinese book design in the field of traditional culture reference to seek a bridge.In the course of book design, the mind is God and the form is form.The idea depends on the form to express, the form to rely on the idea to give life to the design.The mission of book designers is to create soulful books, and understanding and mastering the artistic value of Chinese characters is like giving life to books.In that case, we will try to quote and learn from these spiritual nutrients in today's book design.The most valuable thing in book design is to have certain artistic value on the basis of cultural significance and social value.For all kinds of books that are very common in people's life, people pay great attention to the design of books.Book design not only contains the aesthetic characteristics and aesthetic symbols of literary and artistic works, but also presents them from a necessary material point of view, which is the need of human society.Therefore, the characteristics of book design are the coexistence of material and spirit elements.
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