发布时间:2018-04-13 20:40
本文选题:白洋淀湿地 + 昆虫多样性 ; 参考:《河北大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:白洋淀湿地是华北平原最大、最典型的淡水湖泊湿地,为京津冀地区的生态涵养保护提供了重要的支撑。但迄今为止,该湿地的昆虫资源尚缺乏全面系统的研究报道,影响其生物多样性的评估和资源的保护利用进程。本项目于2012年6月开始至2014年10月结束,先后在白洋淀湿地采集昆虫标本近3万件,获得了分析和揭示其昆虫多样性的第一手资料鉴定。现将有关研究结果总结如下:1、昆虫物种多样性。经对标本鉴定,初步得到白洋淀湿地昆虫种类14目143科549属715种,绝大部分为该地区新纪录物种;该数据与国内也已调查的湿地昆虫多样性比较,物种数量明显较高。2、昆虫区系组成特点。白洋淀湿地昆虫世界和中国动物地理区中的分布,呈现如下显著特点:(1)从世界动物地理区系分析,突出反映中日界+古北界共有成分,中日界+古北界+东洋界成分次之,而单纯的中日界和其他跨界成分较少;(2)从中国动物地理区区系分析,纯华北区成分83种,占总物种数量的11.67%;全国广布型成分73种,占10.27%;“华北区+东北区”、“华北区+华中区”和“华北区+蒙新区”分别为31种、37种和22种,占总种数的4.36%、5.20%和3.09%;其他分布类型所占比例较少;表明白洋淀湿地昆虫多种区系成分存在,以华北区为主,与华中区和东北区的关系最为紧密,与蒙新区的关系次之。3、湿地昆虫群落变化。基于2013年4月至9月灯下蛾类调查数据分析,白洋淀湿地灯下蛾类13科142种,以草螟科占据优势,夜蛾科和螟蛾科次之。白洋淀湿地的优势物种分别是:草螟科的褐萍塘水螟和棉塘水螟;夜蛾科的乏夜蛾、滑长须夜蛾和圆点夜蛾;灯下昆虫群落多样性随时间动态变化规律:5月中旬(除少部分蛾类外),大部分蛾类均没有出现;6月上旬,开始大规模出现;兴盛期在8月上旬,8月下旬为衰退期。灯下蛾类物种组成与发生数量的种-多度关系分析:拟合曲线为y=7.63+73.20e(-0.68x),接近对数级数模型,表明白洋淀湿地灯下蛾类群落的环境条件相对欠佳,物种相对较天然景观要少,而优势种得到了发展,数量相对较多。4、水生昆虫。考察共计得到7目27科79属109种,其中双翅目、鞘翅目和蜻蜓目为主要优势类群,水生昆虫以耐污类群居多,且常用于反应优质水质监测指标的EPT类群数量和种类均较少,其中毛翅目的巧妙长须石蛾Ecnomus tenellus、蜉蝣目的四节蜉科(Baetidae)和细蜉科(Caenidae)均为比较耐污的种类,均表明白洋淀湿地的水质存在一定程度的污染。5、水生甲虫资源及其发生情况。调查获得该地区水生甲虫7科25属28种。牙甲科在灯下的最高值是7月上旬,龙虱科则在7月下旬,其他类群的发生主要集中在7月,但种群数量较少。6、昆虫资源保护利用。将该地昆虫资源划分为传粉昆虫、天敌昆虫、食用与药用昆虫、观赏昆虫4类,并对昆虫资源与保护利用提出建议,以期为白洋淀湿地生态系统的科学管理与保护提供基础。
[Abstract]:Baiyangdian wetland is the largest and most typical freshwater lake wetland in North China Plain, which provides important support for ecological conservation and conservation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.So far, however, the insect resources of the wetland are still lack of comprehensive and systematic research reports, which affect the assessment of biodiversity and the conservation and utilization of the resources.From June 2012 to October 2014, nearly 30 000 insect specimens were collected from Baiyangdian wetland, and the firsthand data identification of insect diversity was obtained.The results are summarized as follows: 1, insect species diversity.The species of insect species in Baiyangdian wetland were 14 orders, 143 families, 549 genera and 715 species, most of which were newly recorded species in Baiyangdian wetland, and the diversity of insects in Baiyangdian wetland was compared with that in China.The number of species is obviously high. 2. 2, and the characteristics of insect fauna.The distribution of insects in Baiyangdian Wetland and the zoogeographic regions of China are as follows: (1) from the analysis of the faunal fauna of the world, it shows that there are common elements in the Palaearnorthern realm of the Middle Japan, followed by the East Sea in the Paleo-North of the Middle and the Japanese.However, only the Central and Japanese boundaries and other transboundary elements are relatively few.) from the fauna analysis of China's zoogeographic regions, 83 species of pure North China, accounting for 11.67% of the total number of species, 73 species, 10.27%, are widely distributed in the whole country, and "Northeast North China,"There are 31 species and 22 species in "Central China region of North China" and "Mongolian New area of North China", accounting for 4.365.20% and 3.09% of the total number of species, while the proportion of other distribution types is relatively small, indicating that there are many floristic components of insects in Baiyangdian Wetland, mainly in North China.It has the most close relationship with central China and northeast China, followed by Mengxin region. 3. The wetland insect community changes.Based on the survey data from April to September 2013, 142 species of Lymnidae belonging to 13 families in Baiyangdian Wetland were found. The dominant species were Hydrodae, followed by Noctuidae and Boreidae.The dominant species in Baiyangdian Wetland are: Brown Pine Pond Water Borer and Cotton Pond Water Borer, Noctuidae, Noctuidae, Noctuidae and Noctuidae.The variation of insect community diversity with time under lamp: in the middle of May (except for a few moths), most moths did not appear; in the first ten days of June, they began to appear on a large scale; the prosperous period was in the first ten days of August, and in the latter part of August it was the declining period.Species abundance analysis of the species composition and occurrence number of Lepidoptera: the fitting curve is yyz7.63 73.20e-1 -0.68x-1, which is close to the logarithmic series model, which indicates that the environmental conditions of the community are relatively poor, and the species are relatively less than the natural landscape in Baiyangdian Wetland.But the dominant species has been developed, the number of relatively large. 4, aquatic insects.A total of 109 species of 7 orders, 27 families, 79 genera, including Diptera, Coleoptera and dragonfly were found to be the dominant species. The majority of aquatic insects were fouling tolerant groups, and the number and species of EPT groups, which were often used to reflect the quality of water quality monitoring index, were few.Among them, Ecnomus tenellus, Baetidae and Caenidaeae are relatively resistant to pollution, indicating that the water quality of Baiyangdian wetland is polluted to a certain extent, aquatic beetle resources and their occurrence.A total of 28 species of aquatic beetles belonging to 25 genera and 7 families in this area were investigated.The highest value of Tooth beetle under lamp is in the first ten days of July, while in late July, the occurrence of other groups is mainly concentrated in July, but the population is less. 6, the insect resources are protected and utilized.The insect resources are divided into pollination insects, natural enemies insects, edible and medicinal insects and ornamental insects. Suggestions on insect resources and conservation and utilization are put forward in order to provide the basis for scientific management and protection of the wetland ecosystem in Baiyangdian.
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