本文选题:塔里木大学 + 人工植物群落 ; 参考:《塔里木大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:本研究以南疆塔里木大学校园绿地植物为研究对象,对校园内植物物种进行统计,并采用样方调查法对校园内各功能区植物群落进行调查,通过调查数据分析校园植物区系组成和科、属分布区类型以及各功能区绿地群落结构特征,以期为今后城市、校园绿地建设和改造,特别是南疆校园绿地的选种、建设及管理提供有价值的理论依据。研究结果如下:1、区系特征:塔里木大学校园植物215种,隶属55科145属,属种系数为67.44%;优势科为:豆科、菊科、蔷薇科等,优势属不明显;植物区系分布区类型多样、地理成分复杂,区系成分以温带分布区类型为主,热带分布区类型次之,具有明显的暖温带特性。2、各功能区绿地类型中植物种类分属33科、54属,计68种。其中,乡土树种在校园绿化树种中整体上不占优势,乡土灌木树种稀缺。校园人工植物群落结构:(1)水平结构中,各功能区平均植物群落密度为720.8株/hm2,教学区附属绿地、居住区绿地、公园绿地、道路绿地、生产绿地的植物群落密度分别为502、714、512、550和1326株/hm2,教学区附属绿地还有较大的提质改进空间。乔木胸径主要集中于10~15cm,其在各绿地类型中均占有较大的比重;(2)垂直结构中,校园绿化乔木高度普遍集中在2~8m范围内,整体配置模式基本为乔+灌+草结构;(3)季相结构中,调查校园各绿地中都无常绿灌木树种,常绿乔木树种中也仅是刺柏、圆柏和侧柏三种,物种相对单一。另外,依据Simpson指数、Shannon-Wienner指数以及Pielou指数分析,道路绿地多样性指数及均匀度指数最优,其它依次为教育区附属绿地、居住绿地、公园绿地、生产绿地。3、塔里木大学40种木本植物季相结构特征:(1)在植物整个活动期内:叶幕期最长,其次是绿色期、休眠期、果期、秋色期、花期和萌动期。群体活动期287d,占一年时间的78.63%。(2)一般情况下,植物物候相开始的早、中、晚基本上对应着物候相结束的早、中、晚。4、校园绿地植物配置优化建议:重视乔、灌、草配比;丰富季相景观,选择能增加绿量、层次、彩化美化作用的落叶灌木和常绿灌木,如黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina Lindl)、千头柏(Platycladus orientalis)等;重视其他引进种的合理开发利用,建立一支高素质的校园绿地管理队伍。
[Abstract]:In this study, the plant species in the campus of Tarim University in South Xinjiang were analyzed, and the plant communities in each functional area of the campus were investigated by the method of sample investigation. Based on the investigation data, this paper analyzes the composition and family of plant flora on campus, the type of distribution area and the characteristics of green space community structure in each functional area, in order to select and breed the green space in the future for the construction and transformation of campus green space, especially in the south of Xinjiang. Construction and management provide valuable theoretical basis. The results are as follows: there are 215 species of plants in the campus of Tarim University, belonging to 145 genera and 55 families, with a coefficient of 67.44B. the dominant families are: legume, Compositae, Rosaceae, etc. The geographical composition is complex, the floristic elements are mainly temperate distribution type, the tropical distribution region type is the second, has obvious warm temperate zone characteristic. The plant species belong to 33 families, 54 genera, 68 species in each function area green space type. Among them, local tree species are not dominant in campus greening, and local shrub species are scarce. In the level structure of artificial plant community structure on campus, the average plant community density of each functional area is 720.8 plants / hm ~ 2, the subsidiary greenbelt of teaching area, the green space of residential area, the green space of park, the green space of road, The plant community density was 502714512550 and 1326 plants / hm ~ (2), respectively, and there was much room for improvement of the subsidiary green space in the teaching area. The DBH of Arbor is mainly concentrated at 10 ~ 15cm, which occupies a large proportion in the vertical structure of each green space type. The height of campus greening trees is generally concentrated in the range of 2 ~ 8m, and the overall disposition pattern is basically in the seasonal structure of Arbor, Irrigation and Grass structure. There were no evergreen shrub species in every green space on campus. There were only three species of evergreen tree species, I. E. cypress, cypress and Platycladus orientalis, and the species was relatively single. In addition, according to the analysis of Shannon-Wienner index and Pielou index of Simpson index, the diversity index and evenness index of road green space are the best. The seasonal phase structure of 40 woody plants in Tarim University was the longest in the whole active period, followed by green period, dormancy period, fruit stage, autumn color period, flowering period and germinating stage. The group activity period is 287d, which accounts for 78.63% of one year) in general, the plant phenology starts early, middle and late basically corresponds to the early, middle, late. 4, the campus green space plant disposition optimization suggestion: pays attention to the tree, the irrigation, the grass proportion; Rich seasonal landscape, select deciduous shrubs and evergreen shrubs that can increase green quantity, layer and color beautification, such as Rosa xanthina Lindlus, Platycladus orientalis. etc., attach importance to the rational development and utilization of other introduced species, Establish a high-quality campus green space management team.
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