本文选题:世界自然遗产 + 梵净山 ; 参考:《贵州师范大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:联合国教科文组织制定的《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》(下称《公约》)是最具权威性的国际遗产保护工具,其核心内容在于确认、保护、保存、展示具有突出普遍价值(Outstanding Universal Value)的文化和自然遗产,并将其代代相传。《实施世界遗产公约操作指南》(下称《操作指南》)旨在促进《公约》的顺利实施,为遗产申报及保护工作设置相应操作程序,反映了遗产保护运动的发展轨迹。入选世界遗产名录是对现存资源的最大肯定,也是对其突出普遍价值开展更高级别保护的有效措施。按照《公约》精神,申报项目一旦被列入世界遗产名录,就意味着缔约国向国际社会做出承诺,将举上下之力、最大限度地利用本国资源及国际援助来保护、保存世界遗产。梵净山是中国2018年世界自然遗产申报项目,本研究以梵净山提名地及缓冲区为研究区域,在总结梵净山世界自然遗产突出普遍价值的基础上,通过实地考察、文献综述、开放式访谈、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,深入分析梵净山遗产价值保护的主要威胁因素,并提出具有针对性的保护管理对策及建议,得出的主要结论如下:1.自然灾害对梵净山突出普遍价值保护有严重威胁,需引起重视,加强监测。本文按致灾因子的不同,将梵净山自然灾害归类为地质灾害、气象水文灾害以及生物灾害,描述了景观资源、生物资源等暴露于致灾因子作用下,产生的区域性灾难后果及可能性损失。通过对现有灾害点的GPS定位、频度及其形成背景、时空分布普遍性、复杂多样性等特征综合分析发现,自然灾害正以不同方式、不同程度威胁着梵净山突出普遍价值。2.不合理的人类活动正成为梵净山突出普遍价值保护的主要威胁因素。基础设施建设在一定程度上阻断了生物通道和走廊,割裂了生态联系,对研究区的突出普遍价值保护造成一定压力。旅游资源的无序开发是梵净山自然景观及野生动植物栖息地的重要威胁,具体影响包括游客量持续增长、游客行为时空分布不均、旅游生态环境质量下降、旅游垃圾日益凸显、旅游开发经营与资源保护难以协调。社区原住民对自然资源的过度依赖是梵净山突出普遍价值保护的又一重要威胁,种植、养殖、放牧、薪柴采集等传统资源利用占据重要地位,这些干扰短时间内难以消除,甚至还会持续存在,必须引起关注。3.改变原住民过度依赖自然资源的生计策略是进一步保护梵净山突出普遍价值的关键。社区自然资源依赖度及其影响因素的实证分析表明,农户的自然资源依赖度总体水平较高,其中,收入依赖度为29.86%,14.52%的农户对自然资源的依赖度在90%以上,能源依赖度为58.24%,无明显分异,薪柴是农户的刚性资源需求。林地面积、户主受教育程度、外出务工人数、家庭兼业程度、家庭借贷水平对农户的自然资源依赖有显著影响。4.论文在深入分析研究区突出普遍价值的构成及威胁基础上,对比研究国内同类型遗产地保护管理经验,探索性地提出了相关对策和建议。从减缓威胁的角度,提出要积极应对自然灾害风险,严格管控基础设施无序修建、深化旅游管理、理性发展生态旅游,重视社区发展诉求,完善社区共管模式。从管理有效性的角度,建议管理部门开展有针对性的物种保护,构建梵净山和洋溪保护区的协同共管机制,适时编制《梵净山保护管理规划》,全面提升管理水平和效能。
[Abstract]:The UNESCO Convention for the protection of the world's cultural and natural heritage (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) is the most authoritative tool for international heritage protection. Its core is to identify, protect, preserve, and display the cultural and natural heritage of the Outstanding Universal Value, and to pass it on for generations. < implementation of the world. The guide to the operation of the Heritage Convention (hereinafter referred to as the guide to operation) aims to promote the smooth implementation of the Convention and set up the corresponding operating procedures for the application and protection of the heritage. It reflects the development track of the heritage conservation movement. The entry of the world heritage list is the greatest affirmation of the existing resources and the higher level of protection for its outstanding universal value. In accordance with the spirit of the Convention, the declaration project, once included in the world heritage list, means that the State Party will make a commitment to the international community and will make the best use of its own resources and international assistance to protect and preserve the world heritage. Van Jing mountain is a China's 2018 World natural heritage declaration project. This study is based on the van Jing mountain. The nomination and buffer zone are the research areas. On the basis of summarizing the universal value of the natural heritage of the van Jing mountain, through field investigation, literature review, open interview, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzes the main threat factors of the protection of the heritage value of the van Jing mountain, and puts forward the Countermeasures of protection and management. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. natural disasters have serious threat to the protruding universal value protection of the van Jing mountain. It is necessary to pay attention to and strengthen the monitoring. According to the different disaster factors, this paper classifies the natural disasters of the van Jing mountain into geological disasters, meteorological and hydrological disasters as well as biological disasters, and describes the landscape resources, biological resources and other exposure to the cause of disaster. A comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of GPS location, frequency and its formation background, the universality of space-time distribution, complex diversity and other characteristics of the existing disaster points found that natural disasters are threatening the unreasonable human activities of the van Jing mountain to highlight the universal value of.2. in different ways. It has become a major threat to the protection of the universal value of van Jing mountain. Infrastructure construction has blocked biological channels and corridors to a certain extent, separates the ecological links and causes pressure on the protection of the outstanding universal value of the study area. The unordered development of tourism resources is an important way of the self landscape and wild animal and plant habitat of the van Jing mountain. The specific effects include the continuous growth of tourists, the uneven distribution of tourists' behavior, the decline in the quality of tourism ecological environment, the increasingly prominent tourism waste, and the difficult coordination of tourism development and management and the protection of resources. The use of traditional resources such as animal husbandry, firewood collection and other traditional resources occupies an important position. These disturbances are difficult to eliminate in a short period of time and even continue to exist. The key to further protection of the universal value of the van Jing mountain is the key to further protection of the universal value of the van Jing mountain. The dependence of the natural resources of the community and the factors affecting the natural resources of the community. The analysis shows that the overall level of natural resource dependence of farmers is higher, among which, the dependence on income is 29.86%, the dependence of 14.52% farmers on natural resources is above 90%, the dependence on energy is 58.24%, there is no obvious difference, and firewood is the demand of rigid resources of farmers. Degree, the level of family lending has a significant influence on the natural resource dependence of farmers. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the composition and threat of the prominent universal value in the study area,.4. paper makes a contrastive study of the management experience of the same types of heritage sites in China, and puts forward some relevant countermeasures and suggestions. Harm risk, strictly control infrastructure construction, deepen tourism management, rationally develop ecotourism, attach importance to community development demands and improve community management model. From the perspective of management effectiveness, it suggests that management departments carry out targeted species protection, construct co management mechanism of Fan Jing mountain and Yangxi protection area, and timely compile "van Jing mountain". Protection management plan, to improve the management level and efficiency.
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