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发布时间:2018-05-18 04:07

  本文选题:B/S + JSP ; 参考:《宁夏大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,国家不断加大对环境保护的投入,污染源智能监测、监控系统建设等领域得到迅速发展,并取得了长足的进步,在环境管理和总量减排中发挥了重要的作用。2015年,宁夏回族自治区环境保护厅召开专题会议,研究部署环境监察、监测、自动监控联合执法事项。作为本领域的重要技术之一,污染源数据智能审核技术是有待解决的重要研究课题。虽然污染源智能监测系统发展日益成熟,但当前污染源数据智能审核技术的实现仍然基于简单的数学计算或人工审核。针对目前行业对本课题的需求和研究现状,本文设计并开发了基于数据挖掘的环境污染源数据智能审核技术系统。本系统采用面向对象的设计思想、基于Web的B/S结构系统及MVC模式的三层框架。采用JSP等技术,以SQL Server 2008为数据库。系统分为用户管理模块、数据采集模块、数据编辑模块、数据查询模块和智能审核模块5个模块。用户管理模块实现了用户的注册和登录;数据采集模块实现了对污染源数据的录入;数据编辑模块实现污染源数据的更新和删除;数据查询模块实现了污染源数据的查询功能。作为系统的关键模块,智能审核模块研究并设计实现了基于数据挖掘的环境污染源数据智能审核技术的数据补缺功能、数据异常检测功能和数据预测功能3个功能。其中,数据补缺功能基于支持向量机算法,实现对缺失的污染源数据的补缺;数据异常检测功能基于模糊聚类算法,实现对异常污染源数据的检测;数据预测功能基于BP神经网络算法,实现对未来几天的污染源数据的预测。本文研究了基于数据挖掘的污染源数据智能审核技术,开发了污染源智能监测数据现场信息管理软件。实现了基于支持向量机算法的数据补缺功能、模糊聚类算法的数据异常检测功能和BP神经网络算法的数据预测功能。可为环境保护相关部门进行排污申报核定、排污许可证、总量控制、环境统计、排污费征收和现场环境执法等环境监督管理提供决策参考依据,将进一步提高宁夏环境管理科学化、信息化水平。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the state has continuously increased its investment in environmental protection, the intelligent monitoring of pollution sources and the construction of monitoring systems have developed rapidly, and made considerable progress, which has played an important role in environmental management and total emission reduction. Ningxia Hui Autonomous region Environmental Protection Department held a special meeting to study the deployment of environmental monitoring, automatic monitoring joint law enforcement matters. As one of the important technologies in this field, intelligent audit technology of pollution source data is an important research topic to be solved. Although the intelligent monitoring system of pollution source is becoming more and more mature, the realization of intelligent audit technology of pollution source data is still based on simple mathematical calculation or manual audit. According to the demand and research status of the industry, this paper designs and develops an intelligent audit system of environmental pollution source data based on data mining. This system adopts the object oriented design idea, the B / S structure system based on Web and the three layer frame of MVC mode. Using JSP and other technology, taking SQL Server 2008 as database. The system is divided into five modules: user management module, data acquisition module, data editing module, data query module and intelligent audit module. The user management module realizes the user registration and login; the data acquisition module realizes the input of the pollution source data; the data editing module realizes the source data update and deletion; and the data query module realizes the source data query function. As the key module of the system, the intelligent audit module researches and designs and implements three functions: data supplement function, data anomaly detection function and data prediction function of the data intelligent audit technology based on data mining. Among them, the data compensation function is based on support vector machine algorithm to realize the missing source data, the data anomaly detection function is based on fuzzy clustering algorithm to realize the detection of abnormal pollution source data. The function of data prediction is based on BP neural network algorithm to realize the prediction of pollution source data in the next few days. In this paper, the intelligent audit technology of pollution source data based on data mining is studied, and the field information management software of pollution source intelligent monitoring data is developed. The functions of data supplement based on support vector machine algorithm, data anomaly detection function of fuzzy clustering algorithm and data prediction function of BP neural network algorithm are realized. It may provide a reference basis for the environmental supervision and administration of the relevant departments of environmental protection, such as declaration and approval of sewage discharge, discharge permits, total quantity control, environmental statistics, collection of sewage charges and on-site environmental law enforcement, etc. Ningxia will further improve the environmental management of scientific, information level.


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