本文选题:城市公园 + 人性化设计 ; 参考:《河北科技大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:城市公园是供城市居民休憩娱乐、交流共处、健身养神的户外活动场所。在我国,许多城市公园的设计理论和设计实践都有着诸多局限与问题,最突出的莫过于早期公园设计的着眼点更多的放在了主观的美感意识上,追求神韵与风格,强调诗意和隐喻性,但却缺乏对于公园环境和人之间关系的设计考虑。随着时间推移,社会不断发展进步,公园人性化设计的不完善问题突显,并且有新的功能需求出现,这都成为了当代城市公园设计有待改善的问题。“以人为本”是现代设计的重要设计思想,倘若在今天的公园设计中还有人怀疑或忽视人的行为因素,那么,他将被人认为是浅薄无知。的确,“设计必须为人(design must be for people)”这已是现代设计界公认并遵循的重要原则。但是在实际设计中,设计师往往缺少对于使用者声音的聆听,自信使用者会寻其意图去体验,感受和享用空间,但是结果常常事与愿违。本文从对城市公园的功能入手,探讨当前中国城市公园发展中存在的问题,在结合景观设计和城市规划等设计的相关理论基础上,对城市公园的人性化设计进行研究,并且在现有的设计理论帮助下,建立一种对城市公园人性化设计有益的理论框架,提出应遵循的设计原则,讨论我国现代城市公园中存在的一些人性化设计不足或缺失的问题,总结人性化的设计方法。最后以石家庄长安公园景观设计为例,分析人性化设计的应用。
[Abstract]:City Park is an outdoor activity place for city residents to relax, exchange, and keep fit and nourish spirits. In China, the design theory and practice of many urban parks have many limitations and problems, the most prominent is the early park design focus more on the subjective sense of beauty, the pursuit of charm and style, It emphasizes poetic and metaphorical, but lacks the design consideration of park environment and the relationship between people. With the development and progress of the society, the imperfection of the park humanization design has been highlighted, and the new functional demand has appeared, which has become the problem that the contemporary urban park design needs to be improved. "People-oriented" is an important design idea in modern design. If there are people who doubt or ignore human behavior factors in today's park design, he will be regarded as shallow and ignorant. Indeed, "Design must be designed must be for people)" has been recognized and followed by the modern design community. But in the actual design, the designer often lacks to listen to the user's voice, the confident user will seek its intention to experience, feel and enjoy the space, but the result often backfire. Starting with the function of urban parks, this paper discusses the problems existing in the development of urban parks in China, and studies the humanized design of urban parks on the basis of the related theories of landscape design and urban planning. With the help of the existing design theory, this paper establishes a useful theoretical framework for the humanized design of urban parks, puts forward the design principles to be followed, and discusses some problems existing in the humanized design of modern urban parks in our country. Summarize the humanized design method. Finally, take the landscape design of Shijiazhuang Changan Park as an example, analyze the application of humanized design.
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