[Abstract]:Chinese landscape painting is a very complicated and systematic art. The unique visual art language is produced in the development. It is a treasure house of art. The exploration of modern landscape design language in China should continue and inherit traditional culture and spirit in consciousness and ideal. In recent years, more and more contemporary landscape designers have tried to apply the Chinese landscape art language to the modern landscape design, but most of them are based on the traditional painting theory and landscape artistic conception, and the artistic language is still a design language similar to the traditional garden. The translation method of art language to modern landscape design language is the research object. From the perspective of modern application of Chinese landscape painting language, the modern western visual thinking and the analytical method of art psychology are studied. Through theoretical research, case study and experiment design, the modern landscape design language in China is around in recent years. In terms of localization and regionalization, from the angle of translation of Chinese landscape painting to modern landscape design language, it puts forward the way of building modern landscape aesthetic space, which is different from the language of traditional garden design in China. The main innovation of this paper is the "map bottom" put forward by Rudolf Arnheim. System and Gestalt theory of Gestalt vision for Chinese landscape painting to look for shape, fractal, Gestalt and other studies, analyze and obtain landscape schema language, and translate the modern landscape design language into a new landscape design language, providing a new possibility for the use of Chinese landscape painting in modern landscape design.
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