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发布时间:2018-07-25 14:08
[Abstract]:In the 21st century, environmental problems such as water scarcity and pollution, air pollution and land degradation have become global threats. With the deterioration of the environment, ecological thinking is gradually popularizing. Ecological culture is stepping into every field of modern city. Today, the environmental problem is more and more prominent, the concept of ecology has become more and more popular, and gradually permeated into people's daily life and work. Sustainable development has become the consensus of the future development model. As the main place for human survival and living, residential outdoor landscape has become an important index to evaluate human settlement environment with the attention of people to environmental problems. Creating green and healthy ecological residential landscape has become a common topic of concern. From the ecological point of view, this paper studies the landscape design of residential area, and discusses how to apply the ecological concept and method to the residential area design, how to build comfortable and convenient, combined with the actual situation of residential area construction and development. Sustainable development of human settlements Firstly, this paper introduces the concepts of ecology, landscape ecology and the theoretical basis of landscape ecology, including the theory of ecological evolution and ecological succession, the theory of spatial differentiation and biodiversity, the theory of landscape heterogeneity and heterogeneity, the theory of symbiosis of landscape heterogeneity and heterogeneity. Ecological construction and ecological location theory; scale effect and natural grade organization theory; biogeochemistry and landscape geochemistry theory; island biogeography and spatial mosaic theory. Then it introduces the concept of ecological design and the basic principle of ecological design. This paper analyzes the characteristics of residential environment: the dominant and controlling nature of human activities, the openness and instability of ecosystem, and the singularity and fragility of residential landscape. Then it analyzes the present situation of residential area construction and puts forward the existing problems in the landscape design of residential area in our country. Combined with the principles of landscape ecology and the characteristics of residential environment, this paper summarizes the principles that should be followed in the landscape ecological design of residential areas, such as the holistic principle of landscape design; the principle of ecology; the principle of sustainability; the principle of humanization; the principle of locality. On this basis, through the analysis of the present situation, the paper puts forward some suggestions on space construction, waterscape layout, greening configuration, traffic parking, garbage classification and so on, in order to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment in the process of residential development and construction. To maintain the ecological balance of the original site, to make the settlements and the original ecological environment of the region adapt to each other, to coexist harmoniously, to coordinate the relationship between the environment and nature, to give play to the dynamic role of the natural system, and to fully explore the ecological functions of the landscape, A virtuous circle of ecosystems is formed in residential areas. Taking the landscape of several residential areas in Baoding City as an example, this paper analyzes the landscape status of each district, evaluates its advantages and disadvantages, and serves as a reference for the design of residential landscape in the future.


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