[Abstract]:As human activities constantly change the use of land, the study of land use / land cover change is becoming more and more important. Land is gradually changed into the type of use for human being under the action of different factors. Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has entered a rapid development period, and the social demand has also changed significantly. Therefore, strengthening the study of land use change can better serve the sustainable development of China's social economy. However, due to the differences in the natural conditions and the economic development level of different regions, it is urgent to use the social economy, technology and labor input in specific areas to the land use in this region. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. on the basis of 198520042011 years remote sensing image data and social and economic statistical data analysis from 2001 to 2012, the land use transfer matrix, dynamic degree and space Lorenz curve method were used to analyze the soil of Anhui Province demonstration area. 2. the comprehensive evaluation index system of land use in Anhui river demonstration area was established, the comprehensive evaluation model of land use in this area was established, and the weight of each evaluation index was calculated by the "hierarchy entropy weight" model. At the same time, the partial least squares regression analysis method was used for the land benefit in this area. The analysis of the land use analysis and comprehensive evaluation management information system of Wanjiang demonstration area is designed and realized by using the change driving force. 3. the above analysis method is realized in the system using C# language under the.NET platform. The system can be used for the spatial pattern, landscape pattern and dynamic degree of the land use in the city and county administrative division units in the demonstration area. The driving force is analyzed, and the comprehensive benefit of land use in this area is evaluated, the driving force model is established, and some time prediction is made for some indexes. It provides a reference for the effective utilization and optimal allocation of the land resources in the Anhui demonstration area. The following conclusions are drawn: 1. the whole trend of land use transformation in the demonstration area is the construction land, plowing the land for construction. The increase in the area of woodland, the reduction of other terrestrial areas, the greater range of land, unused land, water and construction land area, the annual rate of change in accordance with the cultivated land, grassland, construction land, water, unused land, and woodland in turn; the increase of the construction land in the demonstration area is mainly water, unused land, and the increase of woodland. In the period of 2.1985-2004, the change of land use was relatively stable, but the land use change was more active during the 2004-2011 years. The rate of land use, cultivated land, woodland and water area were quicker. The distribution of land in the early stage of construction land was more concentrated, and the relative distribution of farmland, woodland and unused land in the early stage of grassland was more uniform. The distribution of the water area is more uniform; the stability of the construction land, the grassland and the unused land is poor, the stability of the water distribution is general and the stability of the woodland distribution is the best. 3. the cities with better comprehensive benefits of land use in the demonstration area of Anhui Province are Hefei, Ma'anshan, Wuhu and Anqing, and the northeast and middle part of the demonstration area. The overall benefit of land utilization in the region along the Yangtze River is better, the southwest of the demonstration area is limited to the natural conditions, and the comprehensive benefit of land use is general. 4. in the process of urbanization and industrialization of the Anhui river demonstration area, the indexes of rapid changes in the process of industrialization are as follows: the industrial added value, the financial income and the financial expenditure of the industrial enterprises above the scale, and the influence on the area of the cultivated land. The high index is: the total output value of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry, the annual per capita net income of farmers, the financial income, the financial expenditure, the higher value of the construction land area: the gross production value, the industrial increase in Industrial Enterprises above the scale, and the change speed of the annual average wage of the workers in the demonstration area is two times the rate of the farmer's annual per capita net income change. The growth gap of township income is worth vigilant.
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