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发布时间:2018-08-12 17:35
[Abstract]:The traditional "architectural paradigm" has been unable to effectively solve many problems in the contemporary diversified cities, and the interdisciplinary problem solving method has prompted "landscape architecture" to emerge as the times require. This paper, from the perspective of landscape urbanism, uses "syntax" in linguistics as methodology and analytical tool. On the basis of analyzing relevant theories and cases of landscape architecture, this paper induces and analyzes the morphological characteristics of landscape architecture. On the basis of this, the mechanism of form generation is summarized, and the logic of formation behind form is analyzed. On this basis, the strategy of landscape architecture form design is systematically analyzed and summarized, in order to provide reference basis for relevant design practice. And to prepare for the follow-up research work. The paper is divided into three parts and seven chapters. The first part is the theoretical background, which is composed of the first chapter and the second chapter. The first chapter introduces the literature review of "Literature Research method". The second chapter illustrates how the landscape architecture in the cross-disciplinary background uses the relevant theories of complexity science to translate the form of landscape architecture by using "Literature Research method" and "analogy Research method". The second part is the formation of landscape architecture, which consists of three chapters, four chapters, five chapters and six chapters. The third chapter summarizes the characteristics of landscape architecture from three aspects of landscape architecture form, space and function by using "comparative research method", the fourth chapter is mainly "analogical research", "case study" and "field investigation" as supplementary. By using generative grammar in linguistics as an analytical tool and generative mechanism, this paper explores the formative mechanism of landscape architecture. Chapter five uses "analogy research" and "inductive analysis" to take landscape urbanism as the research background and perspective. This paper analyzes the formation strategy of landscape architecture, which is different from the traditional "architectural paradigm". The sixth chapter focuses on "simulation experiment method", "inductive analysis method" as a supplement, and uses parameterized design means to analyze, Induces the generating logic behind the visible form of landscape architecture. The third part is the conclusion, from the seventh chapter summarizes the research results and deficiencies, puts forward the relevant suggestions, and makes a prospect for the development of landscape architecture in China. In this way, this paper takes landscape urbanism as the macro theoretical background, uses "syntax" in generative linguistics as the methodology and analytical tool at the meso-level, and probes into the morphological characteristics of landscape architecture at the micro level. The generative mechanism and logic of inductive morphological generation. There are two innovative points in this paper: one is different from the previous discussion on the formation strategy of landscape architecture on a single level, but based on the view of landscape urbanism, complexity science, linguistics and so on. Second, different from the sensibility and "dark box" operation of the similar design in the past, the landscape architecture is placed in a parameterized context from site analysis to shape generation until the final construction, and is operated as a controllable procedure. The design data is quantified and the design process is programmed.


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