[Abstract]:Waterfront landscape is the most characteristic landscape of a city. It is an important landscape node in the scope of urban landscape and a living environment that can meet the physiological and psychological needs of people. Waterfront landscape is composed of a series of waterfront related elements, surrounding environment and cultural connotations. Waterfront landscape is not a simple planning and creation of designers, but a kind of cultural product in the design of specific national culture. It is an organic whole of various elements and the integration of surrounding environment and culture. Waterfront landscape can protect and inherit national culture, and national culture can counteract waterfront landscape. National culture has the progressive effect of waterfront landscape, beautifying waterfront landscape and deepening waterfront landscape. In the design of waterfront features, the purposeful integration of national culture into the design of the project can show the cultural characteristics of various nationalities and meet the needs of different ethnic groups in the way of life. This is the need to inherit the culture. It is also the demand of national development. By studying the design of minority culture in waterfront landscape of Nenjiang River basin, this paper hopes to strengthen the connection between Nenjiang basin and ethnic minority culture and waterfront landscape and surrounding environment. So that people in waterfront landscape to get a sense of identity and belonging to the living environment. Starting from the deeper traditional national culture, the relationship between waterfront landscape and national culture is interpreted from the perspective of waterfront landscape, and the characteristics of waterfront landscape under the influence of national culture are analyzed. This paper probes into the enlightenment and application value of regional culture in national culture to waterfront landscape, and how to apply the inheritance of minority culture and the development of waterfront landscape in Nenjiang River Basin to the concrete design. Through the concrete case design, discusses the concrete national culture application in the waterfront landscape design method and the strategy. Constructing diversified waterfront landscape and suitable material environment of waterfront landscape, inducing similar events of waterfront landscape, combining with the design status of modern waterfront landscape, promoting the spiritual conception of waterfront landscape to carry on national cultural heritage, To realize the concern of waterfront landscape to humanistic connotation. Taking the planning of Oroqen nationality as an example, this paper analyzes the conditions of the planning and design of the Oroqian nationality, and analyzes the rich national culture of the Oroqen nationality by using the relationship between waterfront landscape and national culture and regional environment. This paper explores the significance of its deep-seated national development, demonstrates the promotion and perfection of minority culture on waterfront landscape in Nenjiang River Basin, and molds the new national image of Oroqun nationality through the integration of national culture.
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