发布时间:2018-08-21 12:24
【摘要】:生态系统服务是人类从生态系统中获得的各种惠益。人类福祉的提高依赖于多种生态系统服务的可持续供给。人类活动通过改变土地覆盖土地利用类型,建造人工设施,强化养分输入,引入或消除物种等手段,在直接改变生态系统服务供给量级的同时,也改变着生态系统各服务项之间的关系。生态服务项之间的关系主要体现在服务项权衡(相悖变化)或协同(相向变化)的变化。生态系统服务(以下简称生态服务或服务)间的权衡是指一项服务的提高以其他服务的降低为代价,例如提高供给服务如食物和木材通常导致其他调节服务的降低。协同是指多项服务供给的同时提高,例如生物多样性的提高也提高了咖啡的产量和品质。理解生态系统服务服务之间关系,是对生态系统进行科学管理从而获得大量且可持续的生态服务的前提。随着全球城市化进程,人类福祉的提高越来越依赖于由人工设施所构成的人类主导的生态系统或人工生态系统所提供的服务。尽管大量用人工设计系统去替代自然生态系统是不可接受的,但是在日益拥挤和城市化的世界中,人工生态系统必将成为未来可持续世界的一部分。人工系统中的服务项与自然生态系统有所不同,往往是目的服务(如粮食产量)较强,从而强化与其他服务项的权衡。例如农田的扩张,往往导致森林和草地面积的减少,从而降低生态系统的调节服务。有些学者把人工生态系统间接利用自然资本形成的服务称为非生态系统服务(社会经济服务),由于界限并不清楚,大部分学者没有明确区分,本文仍统称为生态系统服务。生态系统服务的形成与供给可以发生在多个的尺度上,对于生态系统服务评估而言,几乎不存在某一理想尺度能够满足评估目的全部要求,并且,尺度间的推移(scaling)往往是非线性的。因此,从多尺度探讨生态系统服务之间的关系,对于阐明生态系统服务之间的关系及其影响因素具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文以城市化程度高(建成区占国土面积比例)的长三角地区和城市化程度低的内蒙古自治区为研究案例,研究不同城市化水平和空间尺度上生态系统服务之间的关系。这两个区域不同的城市化强度为研究社会经济和自然因素对生态服务空间分布的影响提供了良好的研究对象。本研究依据两个研究区域生态系统的特点分别选择了在当地较为重要的生态系统服务项,涵盖了供给、调节和文化服务三类,并在这两个研究区域分别设置了地级市(包含全部辖区)和县两个尺度,同一区域两个尺度上的服务项相同。根据生态系统服务的空间分布识别出了服务集(bundles),探索了生态系统服务的空间分布规律和服务之间的关系,分析了城市化程度对服务间关系的影响以及不同空间尺度上生态服务关系的异同,探讨了自然条件与社会经济因素对生态系统服务关系变化的驱动。主要研究结果如下:(1)高度城市化的长三角地区12项生态系统服务中,在地级市尺度上有7项表现为空间集聚分布(粮食、茶叶、淡水供给、碳固存、土壤保持、涵养水源和森林游憩)、5项表现为空间随机分布(畜产品、水产品、工业产品、旅游人次和高等教育服务);而在县级尺度上只有1项表现为随机分布(高等教育服务),其他服务项全部为集聚分布。在城市化程度低的内蒙古的8项生态服务中,在地级市尺度上有3项生态服务为空间集聚分布(羊肉、牧草产量和调节服务),其余5项为随机分布(粮食、猪肉、牛肉、淡水供给和旅游服务);在县级尺度上也只有1项为随机分布(旅游服务),其他服务项为集聚分布。通过与他人的研究进行对比分析,本文发现随研究尺度的缩小生态系统服务集聚性增加。所有依赖土地面积的生态服务(大部分的供给服务和全部的调节服务)几乎全部表现出空间集聚的分布模式,而非土地依赖的服务(工业产品和文化服务等)则倾向于表现随机分布模式。这表明人工系统对技术进步的依赖,使得供给服务对自然禀赋的依赖逐渐降低,而由于调节服务主要依赖于自然植被,仍表现出对自然资源的依赖。(2)对研究区域所选择的服务项两两成对进行相关分析,结果显示长三角地区所有66对生态系统服务在地级市尺度上有31对表现出显著相关,其中12对为权衡(主要发生在供给服务与其他服务之间)、19对为协同(主要发生在调节服务之间);在县级尺度上有47对表现出显著相关,其中25对为权衡(主要发生在调节服务与粮食、畜产品及工业产品之间)、22对为协同(主要发生在调节服务与淡水供给之间)。内蒙古地区所有28对生态系统服务在地级市尺度上有4对表现出显著相关,全部为协同(粮食与猪肉、牛肉;调节服务与淡水供给、牧草之间);在县级尺度上有13对表现出显著相关,其中4对为权衡(主要发生在牧草产量与其他供给服务之间)、9对为协同(主要发生在供给粮食与畜产品之间)。综合本文结果与他人的研究,本文发现随着研究尺度的增大(从乡镇、县、到城乡复合系统),生态服务间权衡变少而协同变多。这是由于更大单元土地面积有可能够承载更多种类的生态服务,而其中对土地依赖较小的服务能够与其他服务在空间上重叠,从而发生生态位互补,即生态系统中多种服务主体(服务提供者,如农田)可以更充分利用资源从而产生比单项服务更高的生产力。(3)同一研究区域中,两个尺度上生态系统服务之间的关系可能表现的完全不同。内蒙古县级尺度上的牧草产量与粮食产量表现出权衡关系,而在地级市尺度上这两项服务并没有显著关系。此外,在县级尺度上内蒙古的调节服务与牧草产量没有显著关系,而在地级市尺度上这两项服务表现出显著的协同。这种地级市尺度上生态服务间权衡更少而协同更多的趋势印证了在土地释放(land sparing)的策略比土地共享(land sharing)更适合。尽管从较小尺度上来看,土地释放会导致生态系统服务间的权衡,然而通过高强度管理提高单位面积上产品供给能力,以较少量集约化强度高的土地,释放出一些生产用地用于提供调节服务和文化服务,从更大的尺度上来看实际上是促进了生态系统服务间的协同。在内蒙古发展集约化养殖业就是land sparing,在提高单位土地面积上的经济收入同时减轻对天然草场的压力。相比养猪而言,草食家畜养殖与粮食生产存在互补效应,因为草食家畜可以利用粮食生产过程产生的秸秆等。(4)城市化程度高的地区中生态系统服务间关系表现出更多的权衡,而在城市化程度较低的地区服务之间关系表现出更多的协同,这是由于经济的发展导致自然的改造和干扰较为强烈,人工生态系统服务的提高强化了服务间的权衡。而在城市化强度较低的地区,对自然的生态系统的改造所产生的影响还处于较低水平。(5)在不同城市化强度的地区,有些生态系统服务之间的关系表现的完全相反,例如调节服务与粮食生产之间在长三角地区检测出了的权衡关系,而在内蒙古地区则是协同关系;有些生态系统服务之间的关系表现一致,例如,本文在两个区域与两个尺度中均发现粮食产量与畜产品之间、调节服务与淡水供给之间存在协同关系,这些协同关系在其他地区的研究也被证实。这表明了服务间关系的复杂性。生态服务间直接的相互作用、空间不兼容或社会反馈等多种机制都有可能导致服务间的权衡或协同。只有开展不同景观和不同尺度下的实证研究并且识别生态系统服务相互作用的路径,才有可能在管理上进行可行的干预。(6)为了进一步探讨自然条件和管理模式对生态系统服务的影响,本研究在内蒙古县级尺度上按照牧区、半牧区和非牧区将所有的旗县划分为三个空间子集,分别研究其中的生态系统服务关系并进行比较。研究发现这三个分区中对土地依赖的服务(牧草产量、粮食产量)之间始终为权衡;从牧区到半牧区再到非牧区,羊肉供给服务与牧草产量之间的关系由协同转变为权衡,而羊肉供给与粮食产量的关系则从不相关转变为协同;降水的增加会强化农田与草地之间的竞争,这由于水是内蒙古地区生态系统的限制因子。这些发现表明,生态系统服务之间的协同或权衡关系并不是固定的,在不同的自然条件和管理模式下生态系统服务之间可能出现截然相反的关系,而理解生态服务间关系能帮助确定管理生态系统的杠杆点,从而提高生态系统管理的指向性。(7)生态系统服务之间的关系不仅体现在两两之间的权衡或协同,还表现在一组生态系统服务在空间表现上的一致性。应用生态系统服务集研究框架,按照生态系统服务在空间上的分布,本文在长三角地级市尺度上检测到了4类生态系统服务集,分别为平原城市集、山地城市集,海岛城市集和大型城市集;在县级尺度上,同样检测到了类似的4类生态系统服务集,分别为山区服务集、海岛服务集、城区服务集和平原服务集,并且这些服务集与地级市尺度上服务集表现出一致的空间分布趋势。在地级市尺度上生态内蒙古自治区的12个城市通过聚类分析被分为4类生态系统服务集,分别为草原区城市集、森林区城市集、农业区城市集和荒漠区城市集;而在县级尺度上,89个旗县被分为5类生态系统服务集(农业养殖服务集、旅游服务集、集约养殖服务集、森林服务集和草地服务集)。将这两个区域在两个尺度上分别获得的生态系统服务进行叠加分析,两个尺度上的服务集在空间上存在着明显的对应关系。本文两个研究区域在地级市和县两个尺度上形成的生态系统服务集均表现为空间集聚分布,以往前人的多项研究获得的服务集在乡镇、县以及国家尺度也均为集聚分布,综合这些工作,我们发现生态系统服务集的空间集聚性是与尺度无关的(scale-independent)。(8)本文发现地级市与县两个尺度上生态系统服务集的相似性,不仅体现在空间分布上的对应,也体现在生态系统服务集的驱动机制也相似。聚类和主成分分析表明在城市化程度高的地区,社会经济因素是生态系统服务集形成的主要驱动,而在城市化程度低的地区,自然条件是生态系统服务集形成的主要驱动。可以推测,随着中国和全球经济水平的提高,许多地方生态系统服务集的主要驱动力将由社会经济因素主导。
[Abstract]:The improvement of human welfare depends on the sustainable supply of a variety of ecosystem services. Human activities directly change ecosystem services by changing land cover types, building artificial facilities, strengthening nutrient input, introducing or eliminating species, etc. The relationship between ecosystem services is mainly reflected in the trade-offs (contrary changes) or synergistic changes (opposite changes). The trade-offs between ecosystem services (hereinafter referred to as ecological services or services) refer to the improvement of one service and the decrease of other services. Collaboration refers to the simultaneous enhancement of multiple services, such as increased biodiversity, which also increases the yield and quality of coffee. Quantitative and sustainable ecosystem services. As global urbanization progresses, the improvement of human well-being is increasingly dependent on services provided by human-dominated ecosystems or artificial ecosystems made up of man-made facilities. In a crowded and urbanized world, artificial ecosystems are bound to become part of a sustainable world in the future. Unlike natural ecosystems, services in artificial systems tend to be stronger for the purpose (e.g. food production), thus strengthening trade-offs with other services. For example, the expansion of farmland tends to reduce the area of forests and grasslands. Some scholars call the services formed by the indirect use of natural capital by artificial ecosystems as non-ecosystem services (socio-economic services). Because the boundaries are not clear, most scholars do not clearly distinguish between them. This paper is still collectively called ecosystem services. For ecosystem services assessment, there is hardly any ideal scale that can satisfy all the requirements of assessment purposes, and scaling between scales is often nonlinear. This paper takes the Yangtze River Delta region with high urbanization degree and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region with low urbanization degree as research cases to study the relationship between different urbanization level and spatial scale of ecosystem services. Cultural intensity provides a good research object for studying the impact of socio-economic and natural factors on the spatial distribution of ecological services. According to the characteristics of the two regional ecosystems, this study selected the more important local ecosystem services, covering three types of supply, regulation and cultural services, and in these two research areas. According to the spatial distribution of ecosystem services, the bundles are identified, the spatial distribution of ecosystem services and the relationship between them are explored, and the relationship between urbanization degree and services is analyzed. The main results are as follows: (1) Among the 12 ecosystem services in the highly urbanized Yangtze River Delta region, 7 of them show spatial agglomeration and distribution (grain,grain)at the city level. Tea, freshwater supply, carbon sequestration, soil conservation, water conservation and forest recreation, 5 items were randomly distributed in space (livestock products, aquatic products, industrial products, tourists and higher education services), while only one item was randomly distributed at the county level (higher education services), and all other items were clustered. Of the 8 eco-services in Inner Mongolia, 3 were spatial agglomeration distribution (mutton, forage yield and regulation services) at the prefectural and municipal scales, the other 5 were random distribution (grain, pork, beef, fresh water supply and tourism services), and only one was random distribution (tourism services) at the county scale, while the other was set. By comparing with other studies, this paper finds that the agglomeration of ecosystem services increases with the reduction of research scale. Almost all land-dependent ecosystem services (most of the supply services and all the regulation services) show spatial agglomeration distribution patterns, not land-dependent services (industrial products). The results show that the dependence of artificial systems on technological progress has gradually reduced the dependence of supply services on natural endowments, while the dependence of regulatory services on natural resources is still apparent because they mainly depend on natural vegetation. Correlation analysis showed that 31 pairs of all 66 pairs of ecosystem services in the Yangtze River Delta region were significantly correlated at the prefectural and municipal scales, among which 12 pairs were trade-offs (mainly between supply services and other services), 19 pairs were coordination (mainly between regulatory services), and 47 pairs were significantly correlated at the county scale. Among them, 25 pairs (mainly between regulation services and grain, livestock products and industrial products) and 22 pairs (mainly between regulation services and freshwater supply). All 28 pairs of ecosystem services in Inner Mongolia showed significant correlation at the prefectural and municipal levels, all of which were coordination (grain and pork, beef; regulation clothing). There were 13 pairs of significant correlations at the county level, of which 4 pairs were trade-offs (mainly between forage yield and other supply services) and 9 pairs were synergies (mainly between food and livestock products). From villages and towns, counties, to urban-rural complex systems, there is less trade-off and more synergy between ecological services. This is because larger unit land area may be able to carry more types of ecological services, and services that rely less on land can overlap with other services in space, resulting in niche complementarity, i.e. multiple services in the ecosystem. Subjects (service providers, such as farmland) can make full use of resources to produce higher productivity than individual services. (3) In the same study area, the relationship between ecosystem services at the two scales may be completely different. There was no significant correlation between the two services on the scale. Moreover, there was no significant correlation between the regulation services and forage yield at the county level, but there was significant synergy between the two services at the prefecture level. Parng's strategy is more appropriate than land sharing. Although land release leads to trade-offs between ecosystem services on a smaller scale, high-intensity management improves product supply per unit area, releasing some productive land for regulatory services and provision of high-intensity land in smaller quantities. Cultural services, on a larger scale, actually promote synergies between ecosystem services. Developing intensive aquaculture in Inner Mongolia is called land sparing, which increases the economic income per unit area of land while reducing the pressure on natural grasslands. (4) The relationship between ecosystem services in highly urbanized areas shows more trade-offs, while the relationship between services in less urbanized areas shows more synergy, which is due to the natural transformation and disturbance caused by economic development. The improvement of artificial ecosystem services strengthens the trade-off between services. However, in areas with low urbanization intensity, the impact of natural ecosystem transformation is still at a low level. (5) In areas with different urbanization intensity, the relationship between some ecosystem services is completely opposite, such as regulating services and grain. In the Yangtze River Delta, the balance of food production was detected, while in Inner Mongolia, there was synergy; some ecosystem services showed the same relationship. For example, in both regions and two scales, we found that there was synergy between food production and livestock products, and between regulation services and freshwater supply. Collaboration has also been confirmed in other areas. This indicates the complexity of the relationship between services. Direct interactions between ecological services, spatial incompatibility or social feedback and other mechanisms may lead to trade-offs or synergies between services. Only empirical studies on different landscapes and scales are conducted to identify ecosystems. In order to further explore the impact of natural conditions and management patterns on ecosystem services, this study divided all the counties into three spatial subsets according to pastoral, semi-pastoral and non-pastoral scales in Inner Mongolia. It is found that there is always a trade-off between land-dependent services (forage yield, grain yield) in these three zones; from pasture to semi-pasture to non-pasture, the relationship between mutton supply and forage yield changes from synergy to trade-off, while the relationship between mutton supply and grain yield never changes. These findings suggest that synergies or trade-offs between ecosystem services are not fixed and may emerge between ecosystem services under different natural conditions and management models. Understanding the relationship between ecosystem services can help to determine the leverage point of ecosystem management and improve the directivity of ecosystem management. (7) The relationship between ecosystem services is not only reflected in the trade-off or synergy between the two, but also in the consistency of the spatial performance of a set of ecosystem services. According to the spatial distribution of ecosystem services, four types of ecosystem services have been detected in the Yangtze River Delta at prefecture-level cities, namely, plain-level cities, mountain-level cities, island-level cities and large-scale cities, and similar four types of ecosystem services have been detected at County-level cities. Sets are mountain Service set, Island service set, urban service set and plain service set respectively, and these service sets have the same spatial distribution trend with the service sets at the municipal level. Urban agglomeration, forest area urban agglomeration, agricultural area urban agglomeration and desert area urban agglomeration; and at County level, 89 counties are divided into five types of ecosystem service sets (agricultural aquaculture service set, tourism service set, intensive aquaculture service set, forest service set and grassland service set). The service overlay analysis shows that there is an obvious spatial correspondence between the service sets on two scales. The two research areas in this paper are on the ground.
[Abstract]:The improvement of human welfare depends on the sustainable supply of a variety of ecosystem services. Human activities directly change ecosystem services by changing land cover types, building artificial facilities, strengthening nutrient input, introducing or eliminating species, etc. The relationship between ecosystem services is mainly reflected in the trade-offs (contrary changes) or synergistic changes (opposite changes). The trade-offs between ecosystem services (hereinafter referred to as ecological services or services) refer to the improvement of one service and the decrease of other services. Collaboration refers to the simultaneous enhancement of multiple services, such as increased biodiversity, which also increases the yield and quality of coffee. Quantitative and sustainable ecosystem services. As global urbanization progresses, the improvement of human well-being is increasingly dependent on services provided by human-dominated ecosystems or artificial ecosystems made up of man-made facilities. In a crowded and urbanized world, artificial ecosystems are bound to become part of a sustainable world in the future. Unlike natural ecosystems, services in artificial systems tend to be stronger for the purpose (e.g. food production), thus strengthening trade-offs with other services. For example, the expansion of farmland tends to reduce the area of forests and grasslands. Some scholars call the services formed by the indirect use of natural capital by artificial ecosystems as non-ecosystem services (socio-economic services). Because the boundaries are not clear, most scholars do not clearly distinguish between them. This paper is still collectively called ecosystem services. For ecosystem services assessment, there is hardly any ideal scale that can satisfy all the requirements of assessment purposes, and scaling between scales is often nonlinear. This paper takes the Yangtze River Delta region with high urbanization degree and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region with low urbanization degree as research cases to study the relationship between different urbanization level and spatial scale of ecosystem services. Cultural intensity provides a good research object for studying the impact of socio-economic and natural factors on the spatial distribution of ecological services. According to the characteristics of the two regional ecosystems, this study selected the more important local ecosystem services, covering three types of supply, regulation and cultural services, and in these two research areas. According to the spatial distribution of ecosystem services, the bundles are identified, the spatial distribution of ecosystem services and the relationship between them are explored, and the relationship between urbanization degree and services is analyzed. The main results are as follows: (1) Among the 12 ecosystem services in the highly urbanized Yangtze River Delta region, 7 of them show spatial agglomeration and distribution (grain,grain)at the city level. Tea, freshwater supply, carbon sequestration, soil conservation, water conservation and forest recreation, 5 items were randomly distributed in space (livestock products, aquatic products, industrial products, tourists and higher education services), while only one item was randomly distributed at the county level (higher education services), and all other items were clustered. Of the 8 eco-services in Inner Mongolia, 3 were spatial agglomeration distribution (mutton, forage yield and regulation services) at the prefectural and municipal scales, the other 5 were random distribution (grain, pork, beef, fresh water supply and tourism services), and only one was random distribution (tourism services) at the county scale, while the other was set. By comparing with other studies, this paper finds that the agglomeration of ecosystem services increases with the reduction of research scale. Almost all land-dependent ecosystem services (most of the supply services and all the regulation services) show spatial agglomeration distribution patterns, not land-dependent services (industrial products). The results show that the dependence of artificial systems on technological progress has gradually reduced the dependence of supply services on natural endowments, while the dependence of regulatory services on natural resources is still apparent because they mainly depend on natural vegetation. Correlation analysis showed that 31 pairs of all 66 pairs of ecosystem services in the Yangtze River Delta region were significantly correlated at the prefectural and municipal scales, among which 12 pairs were trade-offs (mainly between supply services and other services), 19 pairs were coordination (mainly between regulatory services), and 47 pairs were significantly correlated at the county scale. Among them, 25 pairs (mainly between regulation services and grain, livestock products and industrial products) and 22 pairs (mainly between regulation services and freshwater supply). All 28 pairs of ecosystem services in Inner Mongolia showed significant correlation at the prefectural and municipal levels, all of which were coordination (grain and pork, beef; regulation clothing). There were 13 pairs of significant correlations at the county level, of which 4 pairs were trade-offs (mainly between forage yield and other supply services) and 9 pairs were synergies (mainly between food and livestock products). From villages and towns, counties, to urban-rural complex systems, there is less trade-off and more synergy between ecological services. This is because larger unit land area may be able to carry more types of ecological services, and services that rely less on land can overlap with other services in space, resulting in niche complementarity, i.e. multiple services in the ecosystem. Subjects (service providers, such as farmland) can make full use of resources to produce higher productivity than individual services. (3) In the same study area, the relationship between ecosystem services at the two scales may be completely different. There was no significant correlation between the two services on the scale. Moreover, there was no significant correlation between the regulation services and forage yield at the county level, but there was significant synergy between the two services at the prefecture level. Parng's strategy is more appropriate than land sharing. Although land release leads to trade-offs between ecosystem services on a smaller scale, high-intensity management improves product supply per unit area, releasing some productive land for regulatory services and provision of high-intensity land in smaller quantities. Cultural services, on a larger scale, actually promote synergies between ecosystem services. Developing intensive aquaculture in Inner Mongolia is called land sparing, which increases the economic income per unit area of land while reducing the pressure on natural grasslands. (4) The relationship between ecosystem services in highly urbanized areas shows more trade-offs, while the relationship between services in less urbanized areas shows more synergy, which is due to the natural transformation and disturbance caused by economic development. The improvement of artificial ecosystem services strengthens the trade-off between services. However, in areas with low urbanization intensity, the impact of natural ecosystem transformation is still at a low level. (5) In areas with different urbanization intensity, the relationship between some ecosystem services is completely opposite, such as regulating services and grain. In the Yangtze River Delta, the balance of food production was detected, while in Inner Mongolia, there was synergy; some ecosystem services showed the same relationship. For example, in both regions and two scales, we found that there was synergy between food production and livestock products, and between regulation services and freshwater supply. Collaboration has also been confirmed in other areas. This indicates the complexity of the relationship between services. Direct interactions between ecological services, spatial incompatibility or social feedback and other mechanisms may lead to trade-offs or synergies between services. Only empirical studies on different landscapes and scales are conducted to identify ecosystems. In order to further explore the impact of natural conditions and management patterns on ecosystem services, this study divided all the counties into three spatial subsets according to pastoral, semi-pastoral and non-pastoral scales in Inner Mongolia. It is found that there is always a trade-off between land-dependent services (forage yield, grain yield) in these three zones; from pasture to semi-pasture to non-pasture, the relationship between mutton supply and forage yield changes from synergy to trade-off, while the relationship between mutton supply and grain yield never changes. These findings suggest that synergies or trade-offs between ecosystem services are not fixed and may emerge between ecosystem services under different natural conditions and management models. Understanding the relationship between ecosystem services can help to determine the leverage point of ecosystem management and improve the directivity of ecosystem management. (7) The relationship between ecosystem services is not only reflected in the trade-off or synergy between the two, but also in the consistency of the spatial performance of a set of ecosystem services. According to the spatial distribution of ecosystem services, four types of ecosystem services have been detected in the Yangtze River Delta at prefecture-level cities, namely, plain-level cities, mountain-level cities, island-level cities and large-scale cities, and similar four types of ecosystem services have been detected at County-level cities. Sets are mountain Service set, Island service set, urban service set and plain service set respectively, and these service sets have the same spatial distribution trend with the service sets at the municipal level. Urban agglomeration, forest area urban agglomeration, agricultural area urban agglomeration and desert area urban agglomeration; and at County level, 89 counties are divided into five types of ecosystem service sets (agricultural aquaculture service set, tourism service set, intensive aquaculture service set, forest service set and grassland service set). The service overlay analysis shows that there is an obvious spatial correspondence between the service sets on two scales. The two research areas in this paper are on the ground.
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