[Abstract]:Hunan and Guizhou refer to the boundary of Hunan and Guizhou provinces, the upper reaches of Yuanshui Wuxi River basin. The research scope of this paper mainly includes Youshui, Wushui, Chenshui, Qushui (J River), Huaihua City in Hunan Province, Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Western Hunan Province, and Tongren Autonomous Prefecture of Miao and Dong Nationality in southeastern Guizhou Province. The area is rich in natural resources such as minerals, forests and water resources. There are many nationalities in the area, forming a variety of national cultures. It mainly consists of more than 20 nationalities, such as Han, Miao, Dong, Tujia, Yao, etc. These nationalities are distributed in various ancient towns in Hunan and Guizhou, mainly in the form of mixed habitation. The exotic Central Plains traditional culture, Bashu culture, Yelang culture and so on fuse mutually to produce the unique region culture, the mountainous area inhabits the culture.These unique cultures are the Hunan Guizhou area unique, contains the extremely high cultural value is in the human civilization precious non-material cultural heritage.For the ancient town space research, must be inseparable from the ancient town. The study of the whole space form can not be separated from the surrounding landscape. There are many ancient towns in Hunan and Guizhou. Because of the dangerous terrain, mountainous areas and less plains, they reflect the characteristics of the settlement form, and then form the urban and settlement pattern which suits local conditions and changes with the landscape environment. Site, layout, construction and other aspects of ingenious combination of mountains and rivers, with obvious Jiangshan characteristics. Because the overall environment of Hunan and Guizhou is relatively closed, many ancient towns still preserve a relatively primitive social life style, and left some more complete ancient villages and towns. They are the representatives of ancient towns in Hunan and Guizhou, and the quintessence of mountain settlement space condensed by history and time.The study of settlement culture and spatial form of these ancient towns is helpful to solve the problem of urbanization in the construction of modern mountainous cities. In the thought of advocating nature, we can find the way of "harmonious development" which conforms to the construction of modern mountainous cities. It is beneficial to the protection of the architectural culture of these ancient towns and the development of the economy of ancient towns. Firstly, the geographical environment, historical evolution, economic development and other aspects of Hunan and Guizhou are described. Secondly, the inhabitation culture of Hunan and Guizhou is introduced. Taking native culture, foreign culture and landscape concept as the fulcrum, the formation of the inhabitation culture of ancient towns is analyzed. This paper analyzes the spatial form of ancient towns, and finally makes a comprehensive analysis of the settlement culture and spatial form of ancient towns, finds out the crisis and challenge brought by the development of modern cities, and finds out the integration method between the development of modern cities and the protection of ancient towns. People in Hunan and Guizhou love nature and advocate nature. Through simple soil, wood and stone, they innovatively construct a unique form of mountain settlement space. The writing of this paper is not only to show people the unique beauty of mountain settlement, but also a deeper interpretation. It also explores the intrinsic causes and development of the ethnic minorities'inhabiting culture and forms, and applies them to the construction of mountainous cities and the protection of historic towns in Hunan and Guizhou in the future.
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